
Big explosion reported at Shaikovka airfield near Kaluha (Kaluga)
[LiveUAMap] Big explosion reported at Shaikovka airfield near Kaluha (Kaluga, ~300km inside Russia), according to governor drone crashed.

According to Unian, 2 TU-22M3s bombers were destroyed. They had launched cruise missiles into Ukraine from Belarusian airspace.
Explosions at an air base near Kaluga: a drone destroyed two TU 22M3s that bombed Ukraine

The Ukrainians claim the drone was launched from inside Russia, near the airbase. Same pattern as the very destructive airbase attack in Saki, Crimea?
A UAV with a shell for a grenade launcher was launched this morning near the part itself - it did not fly from the territory of Ukraine to Russia.

Posted by: Snash Shairt9621 2022-10-07