
Daily Evacuation Brief October 10, 2022
[AfghanDigest] LAST 24 HOURS
  • KABUL HOUSE SEARCHES, PD 15 – A large-scale search operation was noted in the Hangara neighborhood of Police District 15 last night. The searches extended to vehicles and personal searches of pedestrians along streets. Some eyewitnesses reported having their phones searched and one overheard a Taliban Ministry of the Interior mentioning the ‘Stop Hazara Genocide’ campaign during a discussion with subordinates. It is possible the searches were prompted by online social activism during the two-day global campaign. No arrests have been reported yet. It is possible this activity will continue as the Taliban continue to scour social media for dissidents located in Afghanistan. At-risk Afghans who may have participated in the online campaign should consider safeguarding their identities and take the precaution of uninstalling their social media accounts from their phones in the meantime.

  • NRF MOVES FORCES TO BADAKHSHAN – Several sources have reported the NRF has shifted forces to Badakhshan Province over the last few days. The forces appear to have been moved from less active Central Provinces. Sources stated the terrain in Badakhshan favors their tactical operational footing and the Taliban forces in the Province are disorganized and lack a unified command structure. Our analysis indicates the shift is favorable for the aforementioned tactical advantages but is also strategically wise due to the proximity to China’s border.

  • TALIBAN AND US INTELLIGENCE MEETING IN DOHA – International news sources have reported on a meeting between the Deputy Director of the CIA and the Taliban’s Chief of Intelligence in Doha. It is thought the two discussed possible collaboration in dealing with a resurgent ISIS in Afghanistan. While most Afghanistan observers have long thought lines of communication have been open between US intelligence and the Taliban, the outrage over the killing of the Al Qaeda leader seems to have tempered any information sharing lately. Counter-terrorism has long been seen as a bargaining chip for the Taliban in seeking recognition but is unlikely to shift the political roadblocks caused by the stance on gender freedoms and the treatment of former regime officials. No further information was available.

Faryab::Unidentified gunmen assassinated the Taliban’s provincial financed director, Abdul Rahman Munawar, near his home in the Qaisar district Saturday, The assassins escaped and a search for them is underway, No group has taken credit.
Baghlan: The NRF and Taliban security forces in the Qasan Valley are said to have been battling for the past several days in Andarab. Fighting is said to have been fierce. On Sunday the NRF claimed to have retaken the valley and forced the Taliban out. While casualties were reportedly high on both sides, an accurate count was not available.

HOME SEARCHES MAY SPREAD IN KABUL – As witnessed in PD 5, it is possible that Taliban house searches may spread to other districts in Kabul. In previous instances where homes have been searched, the Taliban used a somewhat methodical approach and moved from neighborhood to neighborhood. There does not appear to be a pattern to these searches. At-risk Afghans in Kabul should be prepared to see security activity in select Districts across the city. We have no information about searches outside of Kabul at this time.
Posted by: trailing wife 2022-10-10