
What Happened to Russia's BMP-Terminator sent to Ukraine? - Task and Purpose
[YouTube] The BMPT Terminator isn’t a tank, and it’s not an armored personnel carrier, nyiet it’s the world’s first Tank Support vehicle! The terminator is specifically designed to increase survivability in the only location tanks are notoriously vulnerable: urban cities. On May 18th 2022 Russia’s RIA Novosti news agency confirmed the deployment of a company of Terminators alongside a few T-72 Tanks in the Luhansk Oblast in eastern Ukraine. Videos of the scary looking vehicles quickly circulated around Russian military blogger telegram channels and a lot of hullabaloo was made over how these BMP Terminators would protect Russian tanks in the key battle for the city of Severodonetsk. This would be their first major combat test. So what happened to it since then, did it really work as promised? And does its tactics and doctrine really live up to all the hype? Is it going to travel from the future to take out Sarah Connor? Let's answer these questions and more!
Posted by: DarthVader 2022-10-22