
'US Navy sailors expose the vile murky water they're forced to drink and wash with that tastes like FUEL - as officials admit it was contaminated by waste and E.coli
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • Sailors in the United States Navy have exposed the ship's contaminated, gray drinking water on board the USS Abraham Lincoln

  • The Lincoln, a nearly 40-year-old ship that navigates the Pacific Ocean and is a member of the United States Navy Pacific Fleet

  • The videos, which were provided to Insider , show gray, murky water coming out of the ship's drinking fountains and sinks which the Navy confirmed had E. coli

  • A sailor called the conditions - first noticed in mid-September - 'horrible' saying the water would appear black at times and in a video, said smelled 'like s**t'

Posted by: Skidmark 2022-10-29