
Chronology of the war in Ukraine: Friday, October 28 (updated)
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Vesti] October 28 is the 247th day of the war between Russia and Ukraine. Briefly about the main thing that happened in the country on that day, about the situation in the regions, the exchange of prisoners, as well as all the relevant information from key departments - online Vesti.ua .

7:00 am . The main thing from the morning summary of the General Staff:

The Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled attacks in the areas of the settlements of Andreevka and Belogorivka of the Luhansk region, Bakhmut, Bakhmutskoye, Vremyevka, Zelenopolye, Soledar, Mayorsk, Maryinka, Nevelskoye, Novobakhmutovka, Pervomayskoye and Yakovlevka of the Donetsk region.

During the day, the RF Armed Forces delivered 15 air strikes and 1 missile strike, and also carried out more than 40 attacks from the MLRS

Air defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down two KA-52 helicopters and one SU-25 aircraft

8:50 am . Kharkov region. Russian troops continued shelling settlements located close to the line of confrontation and the border with the Russian Federation. In particular, the settlements of Chuguevsky, Izyumsky and Kupyansky districts were shelled from the territory of Russia: Olkhovatka, Volchansk, Okhrimovka, Staritsa, Druzhelyubovka and Petro-Ivanovka.

Demining continues in the liberated territories of the Kharkiv region. Over the past day, the pyrotechnic units of the State Emergency Service neutralized 247 explosive objects.

9:15. Nikolaevkskaya area. At night, Russian troops fired at Nikolaev from the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system. According to the head of the OVA, Vitaly Kim, a three-story office building was destroyed, and a nearby residential building and a bakery were also damaged. One person received minor injuries.

9:25 am . Updated battle map according to ISW data:

Ukrainian troops continue counter-offensive operations on the Svatovo-Kremennaya line

The Russian Federation sends atypical equipment to the Luhansk region, in particular, the TOS-1 thermoset multiple launch rocket system
Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled assaults near Bakhmut, near Soledar, near Ivangrad, Mayorsk, Krasnogorovka and Avdeevka

9:40. Dnepropetrovsk region. At night, the Russians from the Grad MLRS and heavy artillery once again fired at the Nikopol region, three communities came under fire: Nikopol, Marganetskaya and Krasnogrigoryevskaya. As a result of the shelling, a fire broke out. A dozen multi-storey and private houses were damaged, as well as the building of the employment center. There are no dead or wounded. Hit a power line. About a thousand subscribers - without electricity.

10:00. Donetsk region. At night and in the morning, the Russians continued to shell settlements on the front line. Marinka, Krasnogorovka and Maximilianovka of the Maryinskaya community came under shelling at night, and Avdiivka several times in the morning.

12:10. Kherson region. Explosions are reported in Kherson near the Antonovsky bridge.

16:45. Kyiv received new air defense systems to protect the facilities of the energy system of the capital

17:25. In Donetsk, the building of the Institute of Applied Mathematics came under fire.

18:50. Operational summary of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the evening:

Russian troops continue to conduct offensive operations in the Bakhmut and Avdeevsky directions

during the day, Russian troops launched 3 missile and 14 air strikes, carried out more than 50 attacks from the MLRS

Ukrainian aviation hit 20 areas of concentration of weapons and military equipment and 4 positions of anti-aircraft missile systems, units of missile troops and artillery - 4 ammunition depots.

20:31. For the first time, a US military aid package for Ukraine will include satellite dishes. They are expected to help improve communication on the battlefield.

Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh, four satellite communications antennas that operate outside the Starlink system will be provided.

21:34. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have practically taken control of an important highway between the occupied cities of Svatovo and Kremennaya. This was stated by the head of the Lugansk regional military administration Sergei Gaidai.

22:23. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine fixed electricity prices for the population until the end of the heating season. Preferential prices for electricity for the population will remain at least until March 31, 2023.

Posted by: badanov 2022-10-29