
Daily Evacuation Brief November 27, 2022
[AfghanDigest] LAST 24 HOURS
  • TALIBAN CONTINUE TO CLAIM DAIKUNDI WAS AN ANTI-INSURGENCY OPERATION – The spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior has claimed the deaths reported in Daikundi resulted from a stabilization operation to quell a rebellion in the Province. UNICEF released a statement earlier that confirmed that 4 children were among those killed and few Afghan observers believe the Taliban’s claims. Several international bodies are considering launching investigations into the matter but it is not clear what would be the result of any investigations.

  • LAND REFORM CONTINUES, SERVES DUAL PURPOSES – The Taliban have continued cases against people accused of usurping land over the past twenty years in Afghanistan. In some cases, the cases seem to be honest attempts to recover land that was illegally acquired by leaders and business persons under the former regime. In other cases, land and property that is owned by ethnic/religious minorities have been seized. However, the redistribution of houses and farmland to nomadic tribes who assisted the Taliban during their fight against the former regime and international forces is seen as a means of ‘reprogramming’ the demographics in the country into a model more favorable to the Taliban’s control.

  • KARZAI CLEARED TO LEAVE FOR GERMANY SOON – Several reports had been published by media sites that former President Hamid Karzai was seeking medical treatment in Germany. Some had suggested he had already left, while others claimed the Taliban would not allow him to depart. His press attache has now stated that he intends to travel in early December and will return to Afghanistan after a minor procedure is conducted.

Kunar: A roadside mine was detonated in the Manogi district yesterday. The blast injured 3 non-combatants. Eyewitnesses say a Taliban vehicle had recently passed by the mine before it detonated when a privately owned vehicle was next to it. No group has claimed responsibility.

ADDITIONAL SECURITY FORCES HEADING TO DAIKUNDI – Anticipating a potential challenge to local Taliban security forces in the Province, additional Taliban fighters are expected to arrive from Kandahar and Kabul over the next several days. Sources with the Ministry of Defense have already stated that security patrols have been doubled since the reports of the incident were made public. Some of the patrols have reported sniping along their routes but no casualties have resulted. At-risk Afghans in the Province should expect additional scrutiny of vehicles and individual searches at checkpoints which will focus on their phones.
Posted by: trailing wife 2022-11-27