
About the course of the NWO. 06.12.2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[ColonelCassad] Answers to questions from the military correspondent Kotenok's channel about the course of the NWO.

- What is the reason for the pause in the use of Geraniums at the facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the energy infrastructure of Ukraine? Is there a climate factor? How efficient are these devices at sub-zero temperatures?

- There are several reasons. Deteriorating weather, the need to increase production for mass use, plus, perhaps, there is an accumulation of drones for mass strikes that will accompany offensive operations in the winter.

There is no data on the pace and volume of production of these drones in Iran and Russia, although Iranian military transport aircraft continue to fly to Moscow with enviable regularity, so the flow of cargo continues. As for the operation of Geraniums at sub-zero temperatures, there is no intelligible information in the public domain.

- Rumors are circulating more and more actively that the Zaporozhye NPP will either be transferred to Ukraine or transferred to the direct control of the IAEA. Is this scenario acceptable for Russia, and what impact will it have on the energy supply of the "square"?

- Such a scenario, of course, is unacceptable, and the implementation of something like this will be regarded as an obvious defeat for Russia. Officially, the Russian Foreign Ministry explained yesterday that nothing like this would happen and sovereignty over the ZNPP would not be handed over to anyone.

The maximum that Moscow agrees to in exchange for the cessation of shelling of the Zaporizhzhya NPP by the Armed Forces of Ukraine is to take an obligation not to place heavy weapons at the ZNPP while maintaining Russian guards with light weapons at the station, while Rosatom personnel work at the station.

Since Ukraine and its sponsors are not satisfied with this, shelling of the Zaporizhzhya NPP and Energodar is expected to continue. In the meantime, the ZNPP personnel have finally been purged - those who did not sign a contract with Rosatom were removed from it + the gunners of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were cleaned up.

— Russian troops are advancing in Artemovsk. At the same time, news about the "collapse of the Ukrainian defense" has repeatedly appeared. Is the Ukrainian command ready to leave the city, or is it planning to hold it despite the losses?

- There is no collapse of the enemy defense. The enemy was forced to retreat south of Artemovsk, but maintains the integrity of the front north of Kurdyumovka, relying on the fortified area in Kleshcheevka and the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal. At the same time, a second line of defense is being built at Yar's Clock.

The pace of our offensive here is low, which, however, pays off with the heavy losses that the Wagner PMC and the RF Armed Forces inflict on the Artemov group (according to Ukrainian and Western statements, from 500 to 800 killed and wounded per day). In Artemovsk itself, fighting continues for Experienced and in the industrial zone on the eastern outskirts.

Without taking Experienced, one can not count on a direct assault on Artemovsk. They will not simply hand over the city to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, so reinforcements are hastily driven here, including those removed from other directions. The loss of Artemovsk will have severe consequences for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, identical to the consequences after the loss of Popasna.

- If Artemovsk is liberated by the Russian army, will this reduce the threat to Donetsk in terms of artillery shelling of the capital of the DPR?

- Partly, since the capture of Artemivsk will force the Armed Forces of Ukraine to rebuild their defenses in the Donbass, but it is important to understand that until Maryinka and Avdiivka are taken, shelling from cannon artillery will continue in the current mode. The cessation of the shelling of Donetsk requires a serious advance to the west from Donetsk in the direction of Krasnoarmeysk, where Krasnohorivka, Selidovo, Kurakhovo, etc. must also be taken.

So it's not an easy task. At the same time, even in this case, Donetsk will remain within the reach of long-range MLRS and long-range artillery, but, of course, massive shelling of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be much more difficult to organize.

- What is the reason for the increase in the intensity of strikes against Donetsk, Alchevsk and other settlements of the DPR and LPR, incl. with the use of "Hymars"? What is the immediate interest of Kyiv to hit civilian targets and how adequate is the theory that we are talking about actions taken by individual Ukrainian commanders without sanction from above?

“Of course, these are concerted actions and approved war crimes, just like human shield tactics in defense in cities. In this regard, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are no different from the militants who have been shelling the residential areas of Aleppo for years. And this, of course, is not the excesses of the performers. All this is authorized and provided.

Terror against the civilian population is designed to sow panic, cultivate discontent among the inhabitants, force our command to carry out operations against powerful fortified areas at the expense of those forces that could be used elsewhere. So terror has a similar utilitarian function. The West, of course, will turn a blind eye to all the crimes committed and supply more shells and missiles to kill civilians.

- Within a few hours, two emergency situations occurred at once at the airfields near Ryazan and Engels, where Russian strategic aviation is based. What conclusions should be drawn from what happened?

- Conclusions are simple. We should not underestimate the enemy, because we are, first of all, at war with NATO, due to which the enemy has ample opportunities to organize sabotage and terrorist attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation. This requires strengthening the CTO regime, further strengthening the work on enemy agents (an analogue of SMERSH is necessary), strengthening the protection of important objects, not only in terms of guard duty, but also in terms of combating various UAVs, which will most likely be used further for attacks.

Now such attacks are, in fact, limited only by the flight range and the ability of NATO to build routes where there are more chances to slip through our air defenses. Where the process is built correctly, drones shoot down on a regular basis without loss or damage. It is necessary to end with the sluggishness of the rear life. There is a serious war going on with a serious enemy, and laxity and complacency cannot lead to anything good.

- Ukroboronprom reports on the final stage of testing a heavy drone capable of covering a distance of up to 1000 km. Is it worth taking such statements of the Ukrainian side seriously and is this apparatus, if it is really created, capable of delivering strikes against Central Russia?

- 1000 km. able to overcome the old Soviet "Strizh". Of course, several handicraft drones can be assembled in Ukraine or Poland, but this is a small-scale production, and the effect of the use of such drones will rather be media, which does not negate the obvious threat to various infrastructure facilities.

Of course, the United States will continue to raise the stakes, so you should not underestimate the threat from such drones, so as not to be surprised later by unpleasant arrivals. Again, it is necessary to build air defense taking into account the presence of such weapons in the enemy, and on the other hand, if possible, eliminate production facilities if they are located in Ukraine, which requires the work of undercover and technical intelligence in this direction.

- In the United States, the political crisis is intensifying associated with Elon Musk's targeted attack on the Democratic Party and Hunter Biden. How serious the consequences will be, and is it possible to expect that, losing political points, the Biden administration will try to dump "toxic assets", incl. control over the Zelensky regime?

This story will undulate until the 2024 US presidential election, and the Republican Party will no doubt use it. But this is, first and foremost, an internal American story that will not force the Biden administration to abandon the war in Ukraine.

On the contrary, the intensification of the internal political crisis in the United States will push Washington to escalate the war in Ukraine as part of the classic scheme of switching attention (see the film "The Tail Wags the Dog"). In addition, the use of this topic by Republicans will be complicated by the struggle of part of the party establishment against Trump.

— The new British government, led by Rishi Sunak, is actively demonstrating a decrease in foreign policy ambitions. What is this - the real course of London or a disguise to prepare for something more?

- London's general course has not changed, it's just that the difficult economic situation in Britain is increasingly affecting it, which has already led to a reduction in Napoleon's plans to rearm the British army. A huge hole in the budget, inflation and rising prices are forcing the British elites to balance the Ukrainian "enterprise" with the need to maintain socio-economic stability, the decline of which, among other things, again actualized the topic of a referendum on the separation of Scotland from Britain.

The Scottish separatists want to hold a referendum this autumn. The British court forbade it, but the separatists insist. Against the backdrop of declining living standards, this issue will be very painful for Britain in the medium term. But one should not be under the illusion that Britain will abandon its Russophobic course and support for the war in Ukraine.

- After serious protests in Iran and China, both Tehran and Beijing made certain indulgences. In China, mass testing is softening, and Iran is ready to revise the law on the hijab. Does this mean that in both cases Moscow's partners suffered a situational defeat?

- Iran and China in their tactics of suppressing protests have repeatedly used both the stick and the carrot, varying them depending on the situation. This could be observed during the last iteration of the protests in Iran, and during the protests in Hong Kong, where the authorities could also make local concessions in some aspects, while continuing to bend the general line.

I do not think that there have been any changes in the approaches of the Iranian and Chinese authorities over the past two to three years. In the case of covid, almost all developed countries have gone through protests against restrictions, and China is no exception. There have been protests before, and there will be in the future, as long as the epidemic and related measures last. In the case of Iran, the authorities apparently relied on wearing down the protests with metered violence and cosmetic concessions.

Says Russian military journalist Boris Rozhin:
The broadcast of hostilities in Ukraine continues in Telegram https://t.me/boris_rozhin (if you are interested, subscribe)

Posted by: badanov 2022-12-07