
Don Surber: We don't have a free press
[Don Surber] He's a retired Newsman, always worth a read
We don't have a free press.

If we had a free press, 30 reporters would never pose with Nancy Pelosi as if they were her ladies-in-waiting.

If we did, Hillary's 30,000 emails sent to a trucking company in Red China would have stopped her presidential bid.

If we had a free press, Seth Rich's murder would have been bigger than George Floyd's overdose death.

If we had a free press, journalists would not seek the approval of John Podesta (Hillary's henchman) as we learned in the DNC emails leaked by Seth Rich.

If we had a free press, Hillary's fake charity which laundered bribes from foreigners would have landed her in prison.

If we had a free press, the FBI spying on Donald Trump would have landed Barack Obama in prison as well.

If we had a free press, Jim Comey would have been Obama's cellmate.

If we had a free press, Bob Mueller would have remained retired and enjoying his grandchildren.

If we had a free press, we would know the motive for Stephen Paddock's massacre of 60 people and wounding of 413 other people at the Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017.

If we had a free press, fact-checkers would have told us in 2008 that you can keep your doctor was a lie and not wait until 2013 when it was too late to undo the election and re-election of Barack Obama.

If we had a free press, there would have been at least one newspaper in West Virginia that endorsed Donald Trump.

If we had a free press, covid would be called the Wuhan Flu.

If we had a free press, the covid shots would never be mandatory for anyone except those in a nursing home.

If we had a free press, the Democrat riots of 2020 would have been called the George Floyd riots instead of mostly peaceful protests.

If we had a free press, Twitter never would have been able to censor conservatives or ban the president.

If we had a free press, Trump's rally at the National Mall would have been the news on January 6, not the people lured into the Capitol by FBI informants and the Capitol Police.

If we had a free press, ballot harvesting would land people in jail instead of electing John Fetterman to the Senate.

If we had a free press, there would have been no impeachments.

If we had a free press, Hunter Biden's laptop would have cost his father the election.

If we had a free press, General Milley's admission that he called a Red Chinese general without DOD approval would have landed him in the brig.

If we had a free press, the raid on Mar-a-Lago would have led to an investigation of the FBI for abuse of its power.

If we had a free press, the hammer attack of Paul Pelosi would still be in the news.

Finally, if we had a free press, I would defend it.
Posted by: Frank G 2022-12-11