
'Meet, bitches, Papa:' how the pilots of PMC 'Wagner' died near Bakhmut
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Commentary by blogger Brussels Messenger:

[ColonelCassad] A few days ago, in the area of ​​Kleshcheevka, a Su-24M "musicians" plane was shot down. Crew commander - Antonov Alexander Sergeevich, navigator - Nikishin Vladimir Nikolaevich.

Today I found out how it happened and ... It's even difficult to write calmly. The crew of the Wagners repeated the feat of Nikolai Gastello.

On December 2, while the crew was performing a combat mission in the Kleshcheevka area, the ground situation began to change dramatically. The enemy attempted an armored breakthrough, because of which there was a serious threat of losing the positions occupied by the "musicians".

After assessing the situation, the commander of one of the assault squads redirected the crew of the Su-24M to the enemy armored column. To strike, our pilots had to fly several kilometers beyond the line of contact. Initially, understanding all the risks associated with this, the crew decided to continue the combat flight and destroy the newly identified target.

When turning to a combat course, the aircraft was hit by a MANPADS. The observation post of one of the assault detachments reported to the commander that he saw an aircraft blown up in the air and its descent into the area of ​​​​the enemy column.

From the burning Su-24M, the phrase "Meet, bitches, Dad ..." was heard on the radio, and after 5-7 seconds the plane crashed into a cluster of armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

As a result of the heroic actions of the crew, the enemy did not succeed in an armored breakthrough, and the positions of the forward assault groups were retained.

Here is the link between generations.

In June 1941, Nikolai Gastello sent his burning plane to a mechanized enemy column on the Molodechno-Radoshkovichi road. In early December 2022, a burning Wagner PMC aircraft crashed into a cluster of enemy armored vehicles near Bakhmut.

I am deeply convinced that Antonov Alexander Sergeevich and Nikishin Vladimir Nikolaevich deserve to be awarded the title of "Hero of Russia". Posthumously.

Let the earth be your sky, folks. To be a warrior is to live forever.

(c) Brussels Messenger

Says Rozhin:
https://t.me/boris_rozhin/72551 - zinc

Of course, the pilots should be posthumously awarded for their feat.

Posted by: badanov 2022-12-12