
David Brock Vows To To Dish Dirt On Republicans Probing Hunter Biden
This is one front in the Twitter 2.0 Hunter Biden skirmish; the other (as noted a few times yesterday by various commenters) will be the lawfare component.
[Newsbusters] - Liberal slime merchant David Brock has emerged from the woodwork again. This time, he's leading a counter-attack on the GOP-majority House committee that will be investigating Hunter Biden's influence-peddling schemes and the possible connections to his father the president.

They call their new group "Facts First USA." Did that verbiage work to make CNN sound less partisan?

Brock appeared on MSNBC's The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart. The host claimed maybe he's watched too much House of Cards and is a big Scandal fan, but when he heard Brock say that he is going on "offense" he wondered just how far Brock would go, and whether it would include "focusing in on the people who are leading [the investigations] and running them?"

Brock assured him:

"We're going to go on offense. Are we going to expose some of the Republicans on the committee? Sure we are."

Translation: Brock and his Democrat buddies will be turning up their anti-Republican scandal-mongering machine to 11. Capehart sounded thrilled: "You're going to have to come back to the Sunday Show and tell us, preview what you got!"

Note that Brock broke out some shopworn tactics to counter the allegations against Hunter Biden. Brock claimed that the allegations have been "asked and answered," that they've supposedly been investigated "ad nauseam" and that "this is nothing but a bunch of recycled conspiracy theories."
Posted by: Raj 2022-12-12