
Elon Turns Tables, Drops Video of 'Crazy Stalker' Wearing Antifa Suit
More on this story from yesterday.
[REDSTATE] I wrote on Wednesday about a person who was allegedly trying to stalk Elon Musk and his family. According to Musk, the person blocked his family’s car, thinking Elon was in it, and climbed on the hood of the car. Musk’s toddler son was in the car.

But it turns out that Musk’s people managed to turn the tables on the stalker. They not only got a great video of the inside of the alleged stalker’s car, but they also got a license plate. Musk is sharing that on Twitter, asking people if they can identify the guy. You may notice something about the way the man is dressed.

Musk said this was the guy who jumped on the hood of the car his little son was in.

The person is dressed like Antifa. The benefit of dressing in black with Antifa is that if you are involved in criminal activity in a riot, the police can’t properly identify you because you look like everyone else. The problem here, of course, is that if you are in your car, and someone grabs your license plate, then that dressing in black doesn’t help you much. Maybe all dressing like this does is reveal your likely politics. Not bright, unless it isn’t a car that can be traced back to him in any way. What looks like hand sanitizer in the car also says something as well — again that suggests the person is on the left side of the political spectrum and/or maybe has a health question.

But not a smart move from whoever this guy is to do something to a man with more than 120 million Twitter followers. The video posted by Musk on his Twitter account now has 8.4 million views as of this writing. Chances this guy gets nailed soon if he hasn’t been already? I’m going to guess that he isn’t going to last out the day without being identified.

The real question, if this is in California, is whether this guy will suffer any consequences at all for his actions.

Musk said he was going to be upping his security. As we reported, he also suspended the accounts that had been doxxing him in real time and noted that he would be pursuing action against Jack Sweeney, who was involved in the ElonJet account that tracked him.

Posted by: Fred 2022-12-16