
Chronology of the war in Ukraine: Friday, December 16 (updated)
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[Vesti] December 16 is the 296th day of the war between Russia and Ukraine. Briefly about the main thing that is happening in the country on this day, about the situation in the regions, the exchange of prisoners, as well as all the relevant information from key departments - online Vesti.ua .

07:00 . The main thing from the morning summary of the General Staff:

During the day, units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine repulsed the attacks of the Russians in the regions of Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

Russia launched 23 air and four missile strikes, two of which were against civilian targets in Kharkov. She also made 78 attacks from the MLRS, in particular, and in residential areas - there are dead among the civilian population.

Aviation of the Defense Forces inflicted 22 strikes on the areas of concentration of personnel, weapons and military equipment and three strikes on the positions of the Russian air defense systems. Our defenders also shot down two UAVs of the Orlan-10 type.

Missile troops and artillery units hit five command posts, four enemy personnel concentration areas, six artillery positions, two ammunition depots, and a fuel and lubricants depot.

Dnipropetrovsk region. The Marganets community was under fire from heavy artillery . There were no casualties.

08:00 . An air raid alert has been announced in almost all regions of Ukraine. The head of the Nikolaev Regional State Administration Vitaliy Kim reports that Russian missiles are already in the airspace over Ukraine. Russia is reported to have launched at least 60 missiles .

08:30 . The effectiveness of Ukrainian air defense has reached 80%, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said in an interview with The Guardian. He recalled that during a massive missile attack on December 5, Ukrainian air defense forces shot down 60 out of 70 missiles.

5 missiles are moving towards Kiev . They were recorded over the Sumy region.

08:45 . Kyiv, Kharkov - explosions are heard. First, air defense is working.

09:00 . Nikolaevkskaya area. The head of the OVA, Vitaly Kim, writes about the launch of Caliber.

Zhytomyr Oblast. The head of the OVA, Vitaly Bunechko, warns of the threat of an attack by Shahed-136 drones.

Kharkiv, Kryvog Rog - explosions, air defense worked out.

Kharkov region. In Kharkiv, at least 3 strikes on critical infrastructure facilities are recorded . Previously, no casualties. Kharkov is completely de-energized due to the arrival.

Odessa region. Energy infrastructure hits.

09:20. Kyiv region. Explosions in the Desnyansky district of Kyiv.

In Zaporozhye, Vinnitsa, Poltava, Dnieper - explosions. Poltava and Kremenchug without electricity.

Dnipropetrovsk region. In Kryvyi Rih, a residential building was hit, there may be people under the rubble . In Dnipro, after a missile attack, the metro and all electric transport stopped.

09:45 . Kherson region. Kherson without electricity.

Zaporozhye region. It became known that 12 missiles were fired at Zaporozhye in the morning .

In the Zhytomyr, Khmelnytsky regions, air defense worked out.

Kyiv region. Explosions are heard in the Dneprovsky and Goloseevsky districts of Kiev - the work of air defense. A missile was shot down in the Bucha area. In Kyiv, the work of the subway has been stopped, the stations are working as shelters.

10:30 am . Dnipropetrovsk region. In Krivoy Rog, two people were killed when a rocket hit aresidential building. Five people were injured, including two children. All are hospitalized.

11:30 am . Zhytomyr region Korosten is de-energized.

12:30 pm More than 40 missiles were flying to Kiev, 37 were shot down by air defense forces. Also, air defense destroyed 11 missiles over the south and center of Ukraine, 10 - over the Dnipropetrovsk region.

13:00 . Ukrenergo has declared a state of emergency. As a result of rocket attacks by the Russian Federation, more than 50% of the consumption of the Unified Energy System was lost.

13:30 . About nine power generation facilities were damaged by the missile attack , Energy Minister German Galushchenko said. We are talking about stations and substations that transmit electricity. The situation in the energy system will be modified to increase electricity production in the coming hours.

14:00 . Kyiv. Due to the shortage of electricity,the metro of the capital will not be able to resume work until the end of the day. Stations work like shelters.

Of the 76 missiles fired at Ukraine in the morning, the air defense forces shot down 60. A totoal of 40 missiles were fired at Kyiv today, of which 37 hit the air defense forces. The capital today experienced one of the largest missile attacks since the beginning of the war, the KGVA reported. Zaporozhye also survived a powerful attack, where two dozen Russian missiles landed.

16:30 . The situation in Ukraine after the missile attack:

Kyiv region. There are emergency power outages. Communication interruptions in some areas. Water supply in some districts of Kyiv has been restored. There are huge traffic jams in the capital due to the subway stop.

Kharkov region. Kharkiv and the region remain without electricity (1 million 279 thousand subscribers). First of all, electricity will be supplied to water and heat heating enterprises, and then to housing stock. The forecast for the launch of electricity from the head of the OVA Oleg Sinegubov, "until the end of the day", but this is preliminary data.

Dnipropetrovsk region. Emergency recovery work may take longer than before, too much damage. The area was completely de-energized, it was possible to power the critical infrastructure with minimal power. First of all, as in the Kharkiv region, hospitals, boiler houses, etc. will be connected, and then the housing stock.

Kirovograd region. The priority is to ensure the operation of critical infrastructure from autonomous power sources.

Poltava region. Power supply has begun, as in other areas, first, electricity will be supplied to critical infrastructure facilities, and then to the housing stock.

17:30 . Dnipropetrovsk region. The number of people injured in a rocket attack on a residential building in Krivoy Rog has risen to 13 people. Rescuers are still clearing the rubble. three people died from a blow to a residential building: a 64-year-old woman and a married couple. Their little son remains under the rubble of the house.

18:00 . Kyiv region. Electricity and water supply in Kyiv should be restored approximately until the morning of December 17th.

19:00 . Kherson region. The Russians are strengthening the line of defense on the border of the Kherson region and the Crimea. According to the General Staff, they are also strengthening the defense and security of water supply facilities to the territory of Crimea, in particular the North Crimean Canal.

20:00 . Kyiv region. A third of Kyiv residents already have heat and water supply. City services are working to return heat and water to all Kievans by morning.
As a result of a rocket attack on the region on December 16, four people were injured. Three are already at home, one person remains in the hospital in a stable condition.

00:12 . Work on the resumption of water supply in Kyiv is almost completed. The system should be up and running in a few hours. In addition, work continues on the restoration of heating.

Posted by: badanov 2022-12-17