
Spooks infiltrate Silicon Valley: Facebook is riddled with ex-CIA agents – including President's briefer who now runs 'harmful content' team – so many ex-FBI work at Twitter they have Slack channel and Google is rife with ex-CIA
[MAIL] Former US government intelligence agents are now working across Silicon Valley in senior roles dedicated to censoring 'misinformation', DailyMail.com can disclose.
"Former".... or simply detailed ?
A large number of ex-officers from the FBI, CIA, NSC, and State Department have taken positions at Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

The revelation comes amid fears the FBI operated control over Twitter censorship and the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The Twitter files have revealed the close relationship with the FBI, how the Bureau regularly demanded accounts and tweets be banned and suspicious contact before the Hunter laptop story was censored.

The documents detailed how so many former FBI agents joined Twitter's ranks over the past few years that they created their own private Slack channel.

A report by Mint Press' Alan MacLeod identified dozens of Twitter employees, who had previously held positions at the Bureau, by tracking down their LinkedIn profiles

He also found that former CIA agents made up some of the top ranks in almost every politically-sensitive department at Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.
Made their way into "politically sensitive departments" did they ?
And in another report, MacLeod detailed the extent to which former CIA agents started working at Google.

It remains unclear whether any of these former agents have worked with their previous employers in a coordinated effort to quash any stories.
You mean like providing "previous employers" access to their Slack Channel ?
But the CIA is prohibited under federal law from 'engaging in any activities for purposes of affecting or interfering with the domestic political process.'
Had these embedded Other Government Agency (OGA) employees been approved for Neuralink ? Slack Channel is so old school.

Posted by: Skidmark 2022-12-23