
Daily Evacuation Brief December 25, 2022
[AfghanDigest] LAST 24 HOURS
  • WOMEN’S PROTEST IN HERAT DISPERSED VIOLENTLY – Women who had assembled to protest the Taliban decision on women’s educational paths were set upon by Taliban thugs and many were beaten with whips and rifles. Water cannons were also brought to bear on the crowd. The protest had just gotten underway in Herat when security goons descended on the crowd and broke the gathering up. There were rumors of arrests being made but no confirmation has yet been provided.

  • THE MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY BANS FEMALE NGO STAFF – Sources state the order to ban women employees came from Kandahar directly and Kabul was intentionally left out of the decision. The new decree has already drawn considerable criticism from the international community.

  • EDUCATION OFFICIAL AND BROTHER GUNNED DOWN IN BADGHIS – Police had confirmed that a senior Provincial education official and his brother had been killed by unidentified gunmen in the Qadis District on Saturday. No group has yet claimed responsibility and there are conflicting reports concerning whether the official supported the Taliban’s decision to bar women from Universities or if he opposed it.

  • AL QAEDA RELEASES A VIDEO PURPORTEDLY NARRATED BY THEIR SLAIN LEADER, AL-ZAWAHIRI – The thirty-five-minute video contained no information about when it had been recorded. Some conspiracy theories continue to state that al-Zawahiri was not harmed in the drone strike on his residence and continues to lead the terrorist organization from an undisclosed location. Most analysts and observers believe he was killed in the strike.

  • MALE STUDENTS OPTED NOT TO TAKE UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE EXAMS IN KANDAHAR, FIRED UPON AND BEATEN – Students walked out of the testing center at Mirwais Nika University in Kandahar and were fired at as they exited the building at approximately 1700hrs local on Saturday. Taliban goons then moved in and beat several of the male students. The students say they were not protesting the Taliban’s decision to ban women on campuses but simply wanted to go home.

  • MINISTERS OF DEFENSE AND INTERIOR CONTINUE TO OPPOSE THE SUPREME LEADER AND HIS LAPDOGS – Sources familiar with the situation say the two Ministers have formed a pact to try and get the old guard in Kandahar to reverse the education bans. They have either traveled to Kandahar in a bid to meet with him or, they have sent emissaries to plead their case. Sources in Kandahar say the Supreme Leader, fearing a coup, has refused to see them or their agents.

  • IN A BIZARRE MOVE, IRAN INVITES AFGHAN FEMALE STUDENTS TO STUDY – Two sources in Iran say the invitation issued by the Foreign Ministry in a tweet on Saturday was simply a ploy to take the focus off of its own internal issues. Both sources made the point of asking where would these students go to school as most campuses in Iran have been closed due to nationwide protests. The government’s suggestion of allowing them to study online was met with laughter by the sources and they related that it is a standing joke in Iran to see how long a website can stay active on the internet before it is attacked by hackers. Neither believed the offer was serious.

Panjshir: An NRF commander (Haseeb or Zal) posted video and photos of an unidentified Taliban base said to have been captured on Saturday in an undisclosed location of the province. Additional photos were posted on social media through other accounts showing Taliban equipment, vehicles, weapons, and uniforms the Resistance members say they captured.

STANDOFF BETWEEN TALIBAN OLD GUARD AND ‘MODERATES’ CONTINUES – The latest ban on women working with NGOs to distribute humanitarian aid has likely ratcheted up existing tensions between Hibatullah and his two most powerful Ministers (Yaqoub and Haqqani). While the information about the Supreme Leader refusing to meet with his two ministers could easily be a rumor, there is clearly a disagreement between Kabul and Kandahar and rumors can carry as much weight as truth in such situations. Even if a solution to the impasse is found, it may only be temporary. Localized violence is still possible in Kandahar and may even spread to select areas of Kabul if either of the two factions decides to make a move.
Posted by: trailing wife 2022-12-25