
AG Merrick Garland DEFIES Biden's vow to end capital punishment by pursuing death penalty for ISIS-inspired terrorist who murdered EIGHT with truck in NYC
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • Attorney General Merrick Garland denied requests to take the death penalty off the table in Sayfullo Saipov
    ...the Uzbeck lone wolf from Paterson, NJ, where he lived next to the Omar Mosque. He rented a truck for the purpose of running over as many people as possible while screaming “Allahu akhbar,” though he only managed to kill eight for ISIS and wound 12 more despite also crashing into a school bus. He came to the U.S. under President George HW Bush’s Diversity Immigrant Visa program in 2010, one of millions of Uzbeks to take advantage of the offer...
    's federal trial

  • President Joe Biden campaigned on ending the death penalty

  • In 2021, Garland halted all federal executions

  • Saipov is scheduled to be the first death penalty trial under the Biden administration when he faces a judge Monday

  • He is accused of plowing a rental truck into pedestrians and cyclists on Halloween night in 2017, killing eight people and injuring dozens more

Posted by: Skidmark 2023-01-09