
Creepy Joe May Be in Trouble
[RedState] Well, this is certainly an interesting turn of events. According to CBS News, 10 classified documents were located at Joe Biden’s vice-presidential office at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington.

The documents were discovered by Biden’s attorneys, who were reportedly packing up Biden’s stuff to vacate the office. Attorney General Merrick Garland has assigned a US attorney to review what was found.

Now, I’m not exactly good at math, but given the Penn Biden Center didn’t even open until 2018, that would have to mean these classified documents were taken there by the current president (or one of his underlings) after he no longer had the right to possess them, right? And an out-of-office vice president certainly doesn’t have declassification powers.

One must admit, the setup here is pretty ironic given Donald Trump is currently under criminal investigation by Joe Biden’s DOJ for taking supposedly classified documents (Trump claims he declassified them) to his home in Florida post-presidency. Yet, here we have the current president getting caught with classified documents during a period when it was illegal for him to have them.

Nothing is going to happen, though. I think we can all be certain of that. Per the report, the DOJ is looking at whether a special counsel will need to be appointed, but there’s no real chance of that. This will be brushed aside while the crusade to get Trump continues.
More at the link.
Posted by: Deacon Blues 2023-01-10