
China terrorism pops up above the background noise
  • A man set off a homemade bomb hidden on his body, killing himself and a policeman in the city of Zhongxiang, central China's Hubei province. The man exploded the bomb shortly after he was detained and put inside a police car by two police officers dispatched to a gas station to investigate a report of theft there. One of the police officers, an 18-year-old cadet, was killed along with the bomber. The other officer suffered injuries leading to deafness and was still in hospital. "We don't know the motive. We're still investigating the case," a police official said. Betcha the Chinese are becoming a little less bland about terrorism about now.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-12-29
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=656