
Border Chief Welcomes One Migrant Job-Seeker for Every 18-Year-Old American
[Breitbart] President Joe Biden’s border deputies spiked the December inflow of job-seeking migrants to roughly 200,000, even as his economy forced down wages and pushed up inflation for more than 100 million working Americans.

Official data suggests that Biden’s deputies are flooding the labor market with one foreign worker for every young American who joins the economy.

This 100 percent inflation of the nation’s labor supply cripples Americans’ ability to negotiate decent wages in their national labor market, and also supercharges the inflation of housing prices.

The loss of bargaining power shifts more than $50 billion every month from ordinary Americans to investors and CEOs. That wealth transfer is rarely admitted by Democrats and Republicans, or by establishment media outlets, most of whom prefer to shout about border chaos.

Federal data for December showed that border chief Alejandro Mayorkas allowed 120,562 single adults into the United States in December. In contrast, President Donald Trump’s deputies allowed just 5,592 single adults through the border in December 2020, or one for every 21 single adult migrants officially admitted by Mayorkas in December 2022.

Mayorkas has the legal power to exclude all migrants under the Title 42 rule — but only excluded just one-in-five arrivals, or 40,000. That is a steep drop-off from October, when he excluded 80,000 migrants in the weeks before the November election. Congress’ 212(f) law also gives the president the also legal power to exclude all migrants, but it is rarely used.

Mayorkas’ distracted border agents also watched at least 70,000 extra “gotaways” slip through the border. Mayorkas has repeatedly vowed that gotaways can stay and work in the United States so long as they do not commit criminal felonies.

The huge inflow of labor also reduces the marketplace pressure on employers to invest in high-tech, productivity-boosting machinery. That inflow of workers — and consumers — also pushes the U.S. economy towards a low-tech services and retail economy instead of a high-tech manufacturing and export economy.

The inflow also also shifts wealth from young to old, for example, by driving up young Americans’ rents and housing costs.

But the inflow of foreign workers into Americans’ workplaces is much higher that 200,000 illegals per month.

For example, the data also shows that Mayorkas admitted “81,450 “family units” of adults and children. Most of the adults will find jobs to help pay off their smuggling debts. He also admitted 12,294 “unaccompanied” youths, most of whom will also seek work.

Mayorkas, a Cuban-born, pro-migration zealot, is also smuggling many more migrants through the border via the “parole” pathways operated by Mexico-based, progressive-funded non-profits. That inflow is not included in the monthly reports.

The monthly number also exclude the routine inflow of roughly 80,000 foreign temporary workers. This group includes H-2A farmworkers, H-2B blue-collar workers, and the H-1B, OPT, L-1, E-2, and TN white-collar workers.

The monthly number also excludes the inflow of roughly 1 million legal immigrants allowed by Congress. That legal inflow includes about 650,000 work-ready adults, or about 50,000 per month.

All told, Mayorkas is overseeing the inflow of roughly 200,000 single adults, perhaps 30,000 additional job-seeking parole adult migrants, plus roughly 80,000 legal temporary workers, plus about 60,000 work-ready legal immigrants.

This flood of roughly 370,000 foreign workers is likely greater than 350,000 young Americans who turn 18 every month of the year.

Since January 2021, Biden has welcomed at 2.5 million people across the southern border, and has allowed at least 1 million gotaways. That two-plus period of illegal inflow delivered roughly 3.5 million migrants — or roughly the number of Americans born in 2022.

In recent months, Mayorkas has sketched out his plan to convert the U.S. government’s complex, chaotic and obscure migration system into an explicit labor-delivery system for employers and investors.
Posted by: Skidmark 2023-01-23