
Paleos parade freedom fighter collaborator...
The Palestinian man accused of having tipped off Hamas military leader Salah Shehade to Israeli intelligence officers was presented to the press by Palestinian security. Akram al-Zatma, a 22-year-old student, confessed in front of journalists he had worked with the Israelis for 230 dollars a month in the run-up to the July 22 F-16 bombing of a Gaza City apartment complex that killed a total of 17 people, including Shehade and 9 children.
Did he show them his back, I wonder?
Zatma, who looked calm and spoke without any prompting by the large contingent of policemen guarding him during the news conference, explained how he was tasked with informing his Israeli contact of Shehade's whereabouts. "I was contacted an hour before the raid. After Salah Shehade's car arrived in front of the house he was renting in the Al-Daraj neighbourhood, I called him back. Twenty minutes later, the neighbourhood was devastated," he said.
And how's his Mom doing?
He added that he was not the only collaborator involved in Israel's most controversial "targeted killing" and that his Israeli contact frequently asked him to "check information obtained through other sources." He called on other collaborators to give themselves up to the Palestinian security services to be tried and "free themselves from the grip of the Israeli intelligence services."
"'Cuz when you're dead, what do you have to worry about?"
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-08-28