
The nearly nekkid ladies of Lagos...
Nigeria is humming with controversy over the Miss World Pageant, to be held in Lagos instead of, say, Bucharest. Seems the Muslims are offended at the thought of all that nekkidness and depravity and the bosoms and the legs and the skin and the pretty eyes and the thighs and the hair and the graceful carriages and the softly rounded heinies... (pant!) Corsair observes the controversy dispassionately — well, maybe not dispassionately — and flips the whole blasted country the bird.
I think it was a buzzard. Gosh, I get so much e-mail correspondence from Nigeria, I feel like I know the place well. He-e-e-e-ere, birdy, birdy, birdy!

Geeze. Speaking of chickens — birds, anyway — I haven't been to visit Mike the Headless Chicken in awhile...

Ha! I knew I had these someplace! I won't be able to make the Miss World contest, darn it. I have to, um... do my hair that week...
LAGOS (Reuters) - The army band which has been playing the national anthems at the World Youth Cup has been fired following out-of-tune performances. Pre-recorded national anthems replaced live versions for the second round ties with local media reporting it was because the band was hitting too many wrong notes. "They play well alright but they lack precision," the ceremonial committee was quoted as saying. Brazilian players grimaced and were clearly embarrassed at the way their anthem was played before a game with Zambia. The off-key anthem was played at about half its normal speed and was barely recognizable. - 4/99
Uh, fellas? A band that doesn't play with precision doesn't play well.

LAGOS (Reuters) - Spectators at the World Youth championship have been told to beware of flying urine at matches. The Sports Vanguard newspaper said youths had filled plastic bags with urine at the opening game between Nigeria and Costa Rica and then hurled them at unsuspecting supporters. "When next your [sic] are coming to the stadium, endeavor to come with your umbrella," the paper suggested. "A lady got the baptism of urine and it was not funny." - 4/99

LAGOS (Reuters) - A group of Nigerian prostitutes has threatened nude protests at World Youth Cup soccer matches after being barred from hotels by tournament organizers. Charity Emevon of the Association of Practicing Prostitutes of Nigeria said hundreds of women would march naked through the streets if authorities did not bow to their demand to be able to operate freely. - 4/99

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-08-28