
'Extraterrestrial Activity.' Why did UFOs return to America?
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Answer: Ganja

by Olga Kuznetsova

[REGNUM] The skies over the Western Hemisphere - especially North America - in recent days have given us not only a spy scandal involving China, but also a new wave of rumors about the existence of UFOs. What kind of mysterious objects flew over the USA and Canada, how do they differ from each other and who benefited in the end.

The Chinese balloon, which made so much noise, turned out to be the most common meteorological probe for measuring atmospheric parameters. Objects of this kind have been used by meteorologists around the world, including in the United States, almost since the middle of the 20th century. They regularly cross air borders, and it is highly doubtful that no one in the Pentagon has heard of such a thing.

The balloon was first seen over the Aleutian Islands on January 28. However, the hype began to grow at the moment when he calmly flew through the entire central and eastern part of the United States and did not receive any intelligible reaction from either the US Department of Defense or the White House.

Only on February 4, the balloon was shot down over the Atlantic Ocean just ten kilometers from the resort town of Myrtle Beach in South Carolina.

Almost simultaneously, numerous photos of the second balloon appeared on social networks, heading towards the United States from South America. He was spotted in Venezuela, Colombia and Costa Rica and later tried to shoot down over the city of Billings in Montana. The attempt was unsuccessful, and later information about this object disappeared from the English-language information reports.

But the public immediately began to regale stories about the spy properties of Chinese balloons, which looked spectacular against the backdrop of the postponed visit of Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to Beijing.

The story with balloons caused a series of scandals in the United States: individual members of the US House of Representatives (from among the Republicans) demanded an investigation into both the actions of President Joe Biden and the heads of defense departments.

Not without the statements of the 45th President Donald Trump, who boasted that under him, all attempts at espionage by China were immediately stopped.

In principle, it was difficult to expect that persons, one way or another affiliated with the Republican Party, would miss the chance to once again kick political competitors. At the same time, it is important to note that all this took place in the mode of on-duty rituality , but did not go beyond the limits of the permissible.

However, by the time the third balloon appeared in the sky over Alaska in the Prudhoe Bay region on February 10 and was shot down, the situation was already on the verge of a foul.

The new object was different from Chinese balloons, flew at an altitude of 12 kilometers and almost reached the size of a car in shape. At the same time, according to official data, it was not equipped with any control system.

The next day, a fourth cylindrical balloon was found, this time over the Yukon Territory in Canada, 60 kilometers from the US border.

In the best traditions of a bad joke, on February 12, a new flying object appeared over Lakes Michigan (USA) and Huron (Canada), which was an octagonal structure with threads hanging from it and not having any visible load. At the same time, the object, according to the head of the US Northern Command Glenn Vanherk, “was negligible”, and the pilots could not hit it.

As a result of the hunt for the last (or should I say extreme?) balloon, the American authorities closed the airspace, first over Lake Michigan, and then the Canadian ones over Lake Huron. The Canadian authorities even activated the air defense system and calmly waited for the US military to shoot down the object.

The particular piquancy of this situation is the fact that the last few balloons with a high degree of probability were of civilian origin. In order to build such an object, serious financial or technical resources are not required, and this is quite within the power of some local figures from the United States or Canada who decided to “joke” on the wave of general hysteria and the sluggish reaction of the government, which at first seemed stupid.

However, after shooting down a balloon over Michigan, the American authorities finally showed that they planned to use the whole story to their advantage.

On the first day after the discovery and elimination of the balloon, the head of the Northern Command, Glen Vanherke, was asked during a briefing at the Pentagon about the possible extraterrestrial origin of the object.

Vanherk said that he would leave the intelligence and counterintelligence to make an opinion on this account. Personally, he does not rule out any versions at this stage.

The general also noted that at the moment, US military personnel continue to evaluate any unknown or potential threat that approaches North America, and try to identify each of them.

The announcement made a lot of noise.

The situation was aggravated by the fact that on February 12 the sky over the countries of the Western Hemisphere threw other surprises.

In particular, the Uruguayan authorities have declared a red alert level due to unidentified flying objects in the department of Paysandu. Twenty people, among whom was the director of the region for tourism, witnessed incomprehensible flashes in the sky.

This episode immediately came under scrutiny by investigators from the Uruguayan Commission for the Receipt and Investigation of UFO Reports, who, together with representatives of the armed forces of Uruguay, began interviewing witnesses.

Also that day, unconfirmed rumors swirled on social media of twinkling lights in the sky over Guayaquil in Ecuador and even over Madrid and Mallorca in Spain .

In social networks, chats and forums of a very specific audience immediately revived, the most adequate of which can be called X-Files fans. Many of them immediately went in search of the wreckage of balloons, and along with the aliens.

A few hours later, the White House reported that the latest aerial downed situations did not indicate extraterrestrial activity .

But the calming effect of this statement was immediately leveled: President Joe Biden ordered an interagency analysis of the UFO phenomenon, and a little earlier, Pentagon Assistant for the Western Hemisphere, Melissa Dalton, announced that the US authorities had decided to strengthen airspace control after cases of flying objects in the sky over the country.

In fact, the ruling circles of the United States decided to artificially increase political instability in the country and plunge their own population into stress, for which stories about UFOs are of particular importance.

This is due to several factors at once, among which we can note the activities of the US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which in the mass consciousness of the average American is steadily associated with studies of the so-called extraterrestrial activity.

Also of great importance is the very specific psychological climate in the United States, which has been repeatedly noted by both physicians and criminologists.

Mental illness of varying severity, all kinds of addictions, drug therapy prescribed since childhood, and some forms of borderline behavior are not only perceived much more tolerantly here than in other countries, but are often directly encouraged by near-state structures.

Against the background of all of the above, a significant part of the local population is characterized by increased anxiety and excitability, which gives vast scope for various kinds of manipulations.

Excluding elements of "extraterrestrial activity" from this story, it is necessary to perceive UFOs precisely as flying objects of unknown origin.

Very often, various kinds of optical illusions, man-made situations or testing of new weapon prototypes (with the participation of the same DARPA) are mistaken for UFOs.

If we talk about the balloons featured in this story, then their simple design makes them difficult to detect from the radar side. In addition, they cannot be noticed with the help of an air defense system operating in standard mode - after all, when working with it, you must enter specific parameters to search for an object, which in this case is extremely difficult to recognize.

Both state structures and civilians can launch such an object, and both categories have the same chances of provoking the activation of the air defense system.

In this case, the story of unidentified flying objects in the sky over North America allowed the US authorities to declare the need to strengthen control over airspace, as well as to create another departmental commission.

All of the above is unlikely to solve the mysteries of space, but it will definitely become a reason for concluding new military contracts that will allow you to extract another round sum from the US federal budget and make good money. It is easier to believe in extraterrestrial civilizations than that local officials can resist such a thing.

Posted by: badanov 2023-02-16