
Senate kills Biden ESG investment rule in stunning rebuke
[FoxNews] Biden may issue his first veto after Congress voted to repeal his administration's ESG rule

The Senate on Wednesday passed a disapproval resolution, formally killing a Biden administration Department of Labor rule that encourages private retirement plan fiduciaries to consider environment, social and governance (ESG) factors when making investment decisions for over 150 million Americans.
Leftist politics instead of fiduciary interest
The measure, which only required a simple majority to pass, passed the threshold in a 50-46 vote. The House of Representatives passed it Tuesday in a 216-204 vote, with only one Democrat voting for the bill.

"President Biden wants to sacrifice seniors’ retirement savings to fund his political agenda," Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana, who led the bill, told Fox News Digital on Tuesday. "Both the Senate and the House have now sent powerful, bipartisan rebukes of the Biden ESG agenda. I’m proud to stand up for Americans’ retirement savings to stop this harmful rule."
Posted by: 3dc 2023-03-02