
An Interesting Perspective of Garland from Sundance
See also here and here.
[ConservativeTreehouse] Senators Grill Attorney General Merrick Garland About a Weaponized DOJ, Yet Miss the Person Doing the Weaponization

Much has been made today surrounding a Senate hearing where Attorney General Merrick Garland was grilled about a host of issues highlighting the political weaponization of the DOJ. Many ’right side’ articles are noting Garland came across as weak, unsteady and nervous as he attempted to obfuscate specific examples and larger points of criticism.

Unfortunately, almost everyone is missing something. AG Merrick Garland has a control operative behind him. That person is the uber political Deputy AG Lisa Monaco. AG Garland isn’t the one calling the shots on these specific examples being cited, DAG Monaco is. Watch this questioning from the perspective that Monaco, not Garland, is the one calling the shots on the weaponization specifics.

Current Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco was Barack Obama’s former homeland security advisor and former legal counsel in the White House. Monaco was the tip of the spear in using political activism under the guise of ’homeland security’ to target political opposition. That type of political targeting is her specialty. Lisa Monaco is now the Deputy Attorney General of the United States.

As a direct result of her skill-set in combination with her current position, it is a guarantee that Deputy AG Lisa Monaco authored the DOJ targeting memorandum that AG Merrick Garland eventually signed and sent to the FBI that became explosive around the issue of the FBI targeting parents at school board meetings. Again, weaponizing internal political targeting under the guise of homeland security concerns is what Monaco is specifically famous for doing.

You might remember, even before becoming President Obama’s key Homeland Security Adviser, Lisa Monaco was the head of the DOJ National Security Division. You might also remember the DOJ-NSD was at the center of the "small group" collaboration between DOJ-NSD and FBI Counterintelligence unit. Remember, it was the DOJ-NSD (via Sally Yates) who would not allow OIG Oversight. (John Carlin quit; Mary McCord quit; David Laufman quit, all to protect themselves from incoming Trump)
Posted by: The Walking Unvaxed 2023-03-02