
'At my first meeting with Saddam Hussein, within 30 seconds, he knew two things about me,' says FBI interrogator
Long — you’ll want a comfortable chair, dear Reader, a cup of coffee (or your preferred equivalent), and a plate of snacks. If you know more about interrogation that I, you may have opinions on the conclusions of FBI interrogator George Piro (Lebanese-American Christian), not to mention CNN interviewer Peter Bergen. A taste:
[ShafaqNews] Two decades ago, on March 19, 2003, President George W. Bush ordered the US invasion of Iraq. Bush and senior administration officials had repeatedly told Americans that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was armed to the teeth with weapons of mass destruction and that he was in league with al Qaeda.

These claims resulted in most Americans believing that Saddam was involved in the September 11, 2001, attacks.
People believe lots of things, especially with the aid of the mainstream media. Here at Rantburg we concluded that While Saddam Hussein had included Al Qaeda cadres in Iraq’s terrorism training school at Salman Pak, he intended to use them against the world rather than joining them in their jihad to establish a Sunni caliphate.
A year after 9/11, two-thirds of Americans said that the Iraqi leader had helped the terrorists, according to Pew Research Center polling, even though there was not a shred of convincing evidence for this. Nor did he have the WMD alleged by US officials.

Posted by: trailing wife 2023-03-19