
A two-tiered justice system and the perils of a Trump arrest
[American Thinker] Last March, the Federal Election Commission fined Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign $8,000 and the Democratic National Committee $105,000.

Their crimes were the obscuring of their funding for the infamous "Steele dossier." The Clinton campaign attempted to disguise payments to Steele as "legal services" and "legal and compliance consulting" in campaign filings.

Lawyers working for the Democrats in 2016 hired research firm Fusion GPS to ’investigate’ Trump. The firm then paid former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele and his company, Orbis Business Intelligence, to conduct ’opposition research.’

The Steele dossier was replete with spurious claims and conspiracy theories. It was passed on to politicized government agencies which used it as one of the reasons to spur the Mueller probe

The probe lasted for almost two years, cost $32 million of taxpayer funds, and hung like a sword over the Trump presidency.

The vast disinformation campaign was the first step by the Democrats towards outlawing political opposition.

But nobody was punished for this.

The subsequent Durham probe has yielded nothing so far and is unlikely to in the future.

Hillary’s campaign paid Christopher Steele via her campaign for the dodgy dossier of falsehoods and then mischaracterized the expense as legal service payments.

Yet all that Hillary, her campaign, and the Democrats received was a symbolic slap on the wrist in the form of a fine.

Now about President Trump.

It is being reported that Trump could be indicted in the coming weeks.

President Trump himself has said he could face arrest this week

What is Trump’s crime?
Posted by: Besoeker 2023-03-19