
EPIC! DC Resident Destroys Fauci And DC Mayor Muriel Bowser as They Go Door to Door to Track Down Unvaccinated (VIDEO)
[GatewayPundit] A Washington DC resident excoriated Dr. Anthony Fauci and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser as they went door to door in his Anacostia neighborhood encouraging residents to receive the Covid -19 vaccine

In footage going viral on social media, the DC resident blasts Fauci and the Democrat lawmaker for coercing the public to inject themselves with the Covid “vaccines,” a gene-editing technology that has taken more lives than any vaccine in history and prevents no transmission against the man-made virus.

“The people in America are not settled with the information that’s been given to us right now. So, I’m not going to be lining up, taking a shot or a vaccination for something that wasn’t clear in the first place,” the man admonished. “And then, you are going to create a shot in a miraculous time. It takes years to create vaccinations.”
Posted by: Woodrow 2023-03-21