
US justifies mass killing of children by 'most adorable creature'
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Victoria Nikiforova

[RIA] Recently, another massacre took place in the United States. This, of course, is nothing new - such executions occur there more often than once a day. To improve statistics, it was decided to consider a massacre in which more than four people die as a "mass" massacre. If it's less, it doesn't count at all.

The non-standard situation is not even in the fact that the Nashville shooting took place at an elementary school, this is also quite standard American practice. Some shock is caused only by the fact that all the leading media - the blood of innocent victims had not yet dried up - began vying to glorify the killer.

'Adorable creature', 'really shy and really kind', 'she suffered', 'amazing illustrator', 'great professional' is CNN's story of 28-year-old Audrey Hale, who planned a massacre in cold blood and shot three nine-year-olds and three teachers at the school where she used to study. She also had some credentials.

Hale, a black classmate, speaks on all TV channels and talks about how pretty her friend was as a child. In the meantime, no one takes care of the parents of the dead children and the relatives of the killed teachers. There seem to be no victims. They were "cancelled" in the best traditions of cancel culture.

This story is explained simply. Audrey Hale, shortly before her attack, went crazy - she declared herself transgender and demanded that she be addressed in the masculine gender. This made her face untouchable.

Now the democratic media are unanimously attacking those who dared to write about Hale in the female gender. This, they say, violates the rights of a transgender, although this transgender was shot dead by the police right at the crime scene and she (he) doesn’t care anymore.

They are trying to switch the arrows to the policemen - they, they say, did not arrive quickly enough to respond to the call. Wrong gun laws are also blamed for everything. Hale was being treated for "emotional disorder," but that didn't stop her from legally buying seven firearms.

But most of all - you will not believe - the school in which Hale killed people is to blame. This is a paid private Protestant school, that is, the left agenda with its LGBT fanaticism has not yet reached there. The disciples are present every day at the service, study the Bible. Most of them are children of parishioners and preachers of the local Presbyterian church. In general, these are white Christians - the most oppressed minority in modern America.

Hale herself studied at this school for several years. And now the public is gradually led to the idea that there she suffered so much from believing classmates that years after graduation she came to kill them. There, they say, there was such an atmosphere that is incompatible with the freedom of transgender people. In general, one more step, and the next George Floyd would have been made of the killer.

The only thing that interferes is that Hale prepared her attack for a long time and consciously: in her house they found both a firearm and a plan of the school, as well as notes and drawings that testify to the careful planning of the crime. The most mysterious find is a kind of "manifesto" that the killer wrote shortly before the execution.

There is a suspicion that if it is published, then the bright image of transgender people will noticeably fade. Therefore, the FBI is working closely with the document and trying to prevent all leaks from the "manifesto". The LGBT community unanimously demands not to publish it in any case.

Donald Trump claims that in Hale's manifesto there is a phrase "if you harass our children, we will kill yours" addressed to Christian priests. The special services do not confirm this, and they can be understood. If the manifesto is indeed like this, then Hale should be recognized posthumously as a terrorist and extremist, and the motive for her crime is hatred of Christians. But how is it, a transgender - and suddenly an extremist?

No, only cisgenders can be extremists - those "backward" subjects whose sexual attraction coincides with the biological norm. Also, of course, the patriots who stomp for "Make America Great Again!" Christians, of course.

And also those irresponsible mothers who demand to abolish LGBT propaganda in elementary schools. This is the practice of the American security forces, and they are not going to change it - in any case, as long as the country is ruled by the Democratic Party.

Psychologically, Hale's case is perfectly understandable. The mentally ill woman was imbued with acute envy of happy families and hatred of children. This hatred, alas, is quite often a companion of sexual disorders. But since transgenderism is no longer considered a mental illness in the United States, she was able to buy herself a firearm and fulfill her delusional fantasies.

Another question is why the US ruling party continues to roam and encourage this mental illness? There is a feeling that the Washington regime deliberately provokes a war of all against all in the country. Blacks against whites. Proponents of sexual freedoms against traditionalists. Left versus right. Atheists versus Christians. The situation is pre-election, hot, and citizens smoothly move from ideological disputes to shooting their opponents.

Unstable personalities are the ideal fighting units in this large-scale civil conflict. Well, who will be more unstable than a transgender man pumped up to the very end with hormones and antidepressants, exhausted by monstrous operations and his mental disorder? This is a combat biorobot, without exaggeration.

In the meantime, the citizens will shoot each other, the elites will do their business in full confidence that the masses will not be able to unite and demolish the central government. Washington hopes to conduct a civil war in the country under its control and so that the population kills each other without touching the leadership. Dangerous policy? Undoubtedly. But there is no other way to keep the power of the deep state.

And if children die in the process, who cares? Joe Biden will once again tell an unfunny joke and ask for more ice cream.

Posted by: badanov 2023-04-01