
Daily Evacuation Brief April 11, 2023
[AfghanDigest] LAST 24 HOURS
  • SOURCES WITHIN THE NATIONAL RESISTANCE FRONT SAY LEADERSHIP CHANGES ARE COMING – Several sources have hinted at dissatisfaction in the ranks and some rivalries among existing NRF leaders. Apparently, operations have been largely paused while the senior leadership works out a new organizational structure and makes some lateral moves among Commanders and political officers. While some rumors have suggested that a crisis exists at the top, those voices seem to be in a distinct minority. Announcements are expected in the next two weeks and will likely coincide with operational activity.

  • 2 HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVISTS RELEASED BY TALIBAN – Nargis Sadat and Zakaria Osuli, both human rights activists were released on Monday after being detained for over two months. UNAMA officials hailed the actions but doubled down on criticism of the Taliban for arbitrary arrests of other activists. It is not yet clear why the two were arrested and held or, why they were released.

  • FORMER NDS DIRECTOR SAYS TALIBAN HAVE ACCESS TO INFORMATION FROM NATIONAL CELLULAR NETWORKS – Rahmatullah Nabil, former head of the NDS under the previous regime said he has verified the Taliban has gained access to virtually all communications within and outside of the country. He claimed that Pakistan and China provided technical assistance to give the Taliban the ability to read text messages (via SIM cards) and can also gain access to Twitter, Telegram, Facebook, and WhatsApp programs. It is unclear how accurate this information is and whether the capability exists. We assess the threat from Mr. Nabil’s statement as low for most Afghans as the number of analysts required to effectively scour even several blocks of Kabul would be immense. However, for individuals who may already have attracted the Taliban’s attention, the capability would afford the Taliban to target and build substantive cases against them. That is…if the assertions are true.

  • AFGHANISTAN RANKED 4TH GLOBALLY FOR WORST CRIME IN 2022 – The World Population Review released its index of nation-states with high rates of criminality and Afghanistan came in at #4 for 2022. Only Venezuela, New Guinea, and South Africa had higher crime rates. The report stipulated the opium trade, corruption, assassinations, kidnapping, and money laundering factored into the country’s rankings. The Taliban said the report is inaccurate and said that crime has dropped since they took the reigns of power.

  • 4.1 MAGNITUDE EARTHQUAKE STRIKES BADAKHSHAN – The epicenter of the earthquake was approximately 90 km from the capital, Fayzabad. No casualties or damages have been reported as of yet.

Nangarhar: Taliban security forces and opium growers in Spin Ghar clashed during an attempt to eradicate several hectares of poppy plants. Casualties were reported, but it is not clear how many and which side they were on.

MORE FLOODING PREDICTED FOR CENTRAL AND NORTHEAST AFGHANISTAN – Heavy rains have been falling in parts of Badakhshan, Takhar, Samangan, Baghlan, Parwan, Panjshir, and Nuristan. Several roads have been closed for fear of flooding. Snow has also been falling at higher elevations and could exacerbate the flooding. At-risk Afghans planning travel in these areas are encouraged to find out road conditions before embarking on their journeys.

Posted by: trailing wife 2023-04-11