
Kremlin critic Vladimir Kara-Murza given 25 years in prison for condemning war in Ukraine
In addition, Alexei Navalny is believed to be slowly poisoned in prison. Same for Georgian ex-president Mikheil Saakashvili.
[CNN] Vladimir Kara-Murza, a prominent Russian human rights advocate and Kremlin critic, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison after publicly condemning Moscow’s war in Ukraine.

Kara-Murza was initially detained one year ago, hours after an interview with CNN in which he criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin’s "regime of murderers."

He was on trial for criminal offenses that included treason, spreading fake news about the Russian army, and facilitating activities of an undesirable organization. Russia criminalized criticism of the military following its full-scale invasion of Ukraine last year. The court said he would serve his sentence "in a strict regime correctional colony."

"Based on the results of the trial, for Vladimir Vladimirovich Kara-Murza, by partial addition of sentences, to be sentenced to a final sentence of imprisonment for a term of 25 years to be served in a strict regime correctional colony. The verdict of the Moscow City Court has not yet entered into force," a statement from the court read.

From Russian military journalist Boris Rozhin:

Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

The fifth column is worried

[ColonelCassad] Liberals are confused. How so, our accomplice was given 25 years in prison, and maniacs and pedophiles are given less. How so? For what?

Silly people do not understand that from the point of view of the state and society, this public now looks worse than maniacs and pedophiles.

Because maniacs and pedophiles are sick people who commit criminal offenses, and people like Kara-Murza are enemies who deliberately conduct their activities aimed at the destruction of society and the state, as well as openly collaborating with enemy countries and the Nazi regime in Ukraine.

And in this in terms of they represent a greater danger (especially in a war, where the enemy aims to destroy Russia within its current borders) than ordinary maniacs and pedophiles (which does not negate the need to lift the moratorium on the death penalty for maniacs and serial pedophiles).

And a quarter, this is not even a hint, but a signal that the time for half-measures and sentimentality is over. Now already. Looking back at this case, other representatives of the open fifth column, who are not yet in prison and have not dumped abroad for some reason, may also receive long sentences. I am sure that this is not the only "chetertak" that we will see. Both internal and external.

PS. To the heap. Speech Kara-Murza in Arizona calling for the supply of weapons to Ukraine. Under Stalin, this is immediately the 58th and at an expense.

PS2. The British passport of Kara-Murza does not work in Russia at all - the Russian Federation does not have agreements with Britain on the recognition of dual citizenship. So the Russian Federation is unlikely to be disturbed by the hysteria in London.

Yet more from regnum.ru
Zakharova told why Kara-Murza had no luck with the defenders

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova , said that the publicist Vladimir Kara-Murza had no luck with the defenders. The Russian diplomat published such a statement in her Telegram channel.

"With such friends, there is no need for enemies," Zakharova wrote.

The representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that if anyone had any doubts, the Anglo-Saxon, as they used to be called, women completely dispelled them. So, according to Zakharova, if the ambassadors of the United States and Britain have mastered the steps of the Moscow City Court, then they should refresh their memories of the steps of the Russian Foreign Ministry so that they remember what diplomats should do and what not.

As REGNUM reported, a criminal case of high treason against Kara-Murza was initiated in October 2022. On April 17, the Moscow City Court sentenced Vladimir Kara-Murza to 25 years in a strict regime colony. The journalist is accused of treason and spreading fake news about the Russian army.

The court also imposed a fine of 400,000 rubles on the publicist and banned him from journalism for a period of seven years. Hearings are held behind closed doors. Kara-Murza pleaded not guilty. His lawyers asked the court for a full acquittal. The defense side intends to appeal against the sentence handed down to the publicist.

On April 17 , 40 diplomats from 25 countries arrived at the Moscow City Court for the announcement of the verdict , including diplomats from the United States, Great Britain , Canada, EU countries, as well as from Australia and New Zealand.

Posted by: Helmuth, Speaking for Sholugum4538 2023-04-18