
Physicists, victims contradict feds' report on 'Havana Syndrome' attacks on US diplomats
[FoxNews] New analysis into what may have caused the condition often called "Havana Syndrome" – where victims feel intense pain and potentially momentary cognitive dysfunction – suspected to be sourced from directed microwave attacks at places like the U.S. embassy in the Cuban capital.

On "Special Report," anchor Bret Baier spoke with the suspected "patient zero" of Havana Syndrome, a former U.S. diplomat named Adam.

The first cases reportedly cropped up in 2016, as American officials around the world complained of similar symptoms – vertigo, headache and "brain fog," – at times long-lasting. Experts soon believed the source to be radiofrequency or microwave energy, but the culprit or culprits remained at-large.

Adam, stationed at the time in Cuba, said he'd awake in a "pool of my own blood on my pillow from gushing nosebleeds," without explanation. He also experienced cranial pressure and "stabbing" ear pain that led to blackouts.

"The majority of the people I know who I've talked to about this, who do know the field agree It certainly fits with a microwave beam as the attacking element," he said.

Adam sad the U.S. intel report on Havana Syndrome that concluded it is "very unlikely a foreign adversary is responsible" and cited potential "preexisting conditions and conventional illnesses, and environmental factors" was a "travesty."

"I wasn't interviewed for the CIA report. If it was that comprehensive, you think you'd want to go back to the 'patient zero' and ask questions," he said.

Microwave expert and physicist James Benford said it is clear the victims were attacked by some other entity.

Posted by: Skidmark 2023-04-20