
Obama and his friends are a perfect illustration of the modern-day elitist Democrat
[American Thinker] Just yesterday was saw more proof that the mainstream media in the U.S. and beyond are P.R. agencies for the Democrats.

The media gave great prominence to former president Obama, filmmaker Steven Spielberg, and rock star Bruce Springsteen making a surprise appearance at a Barcelona restaurant with a last-minute dinner reservation on Thursday.

The BBC carried details about the restaurateur being surprised by the visit and what he served his guests. There were details about the monument that the Obamas, Spielberg, and Springsteen visited.

Most articles mentioned restaurant staff member Pol Perello posting a photo on Instagram of the staff and chefs posing with the celebrity trio.

Let’s overlook the fact that owing to the nature of Obama's security he cannot actually make impromptu appearances without the Secret Service doing a full inspection of the place and its surroundings — the restaurant must have known well in advance about the appearance.

Let's subject Obama’s friends to the diversity criteria stated on the Democrat website that most liberals love to do when they post any group photo of human beings.

How many people of color? — None.

How many members were from the LGBT+ community? — None.

How many were from lower-income groups? — None.

How many from minority groups — None.

How many foreigners — None.

How many persecuted illegal migrants — None.

How many persons with disabilities - None.

How many ethnic Americans? - None.

How many Latinos? — None.

How many Native Americans? None.

How many rural Americans? None.

How many seniors and retirees? — None.

How many small business community members? - None.

How many worker union members? None.

How many veterans or members of military families? None.

How many women? None.

How many young people and students? None.

So how can Obama’s friends in Barcelona be described?

They are white, influential, powerful, and very wealthy.

Most of Obama's friends and neighbors are from this category. Most of Obama’s backers, when he was president, were also from this group. In fact, the Obama presidency was dedicated to serving this group; even some liberal outfits realized that.

But if you listen to Obama’s wife Michelle, this group is causing irreparable damage to America.

If you watch liberal outfits such as MSNBC or read Democrat mouthpiece such as the New York Times, you would think that this very group need to be destroyed if America has to survive.

El Palace Barcelona

Posted by: Besoeker 2023-04-30