
Grain Deal News Roundup: Erdogan announced the extension of the grain deal for two months
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[REGNUM] The grain deal is extended for two months. This was stated on May 17 by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during an appeal to the deputies of the ruling Justice and Development Party.

As Erdogan recalled, the agreement on the Black Sea grain corridor ended on May 18.

“It was decided to extend the agreement on the Black Sea Grain Initiative for two months with the support of our Russian friends and the contribution of Ukrainian friends ,” he said.

The Turkish President also thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for supporting Ankara's initiatives, UN Secretary General António Guterres for his contribution to the process, and Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky for cooperation.

As REGNUM reported , earlier, on May 17, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that in the case of the grain deal, one should not make any hypothetical reasoning. He also urged to wait for a decision on this issue.

Before that, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova , said that the Russian side would not deviate from its positions under the terms of the grain deal. She clarified that this would be a factor that would form the basis of the decision.

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Nebenzya explained why Russia agreed to extend the grain deal

Russia agreed to the extension of the grain deal, as it hopes for a speedy solution to the problems associated with its implementation. This was announced on May 17 by Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya .

“We still have not lost hope that the issues we raise will be resolved, and the sooner the better ,” said Nebenzya.

As REGNUM reported earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the extension of the grain deal . He noted the support of Russia on this issue, as well as the contribution of Ukraine. The previous agreement expired May 18.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry , Maria Zakharova , confirmed that Russia agreed to extend the grain deal for another two months and demanded that distortions in its implementation be eliminated . Zakharova noted that this would be a new chance to solve the global food problem.

The grain deal was concluded in July 2022. It consists of two agreements, one of which regulates the export of Ukrainian grain, the second - the access of Russian agricultural products and fertilizers to world markets.

Yet more from regnum.ru
Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed the extension of the grain deal and demanded to eliminate distortions

Russia agreed to extend the grain deal for another two months and demanded to eliminate distortions in its implementation. This was announced on May 17 by the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova.

“Our fundamental assessments of the Istanbul agreements of 2022 have not changed, and the distortions in implementation should be corrected as quickly as possible,” Zakharova added.

She noted that this would be a new chance to solve the global food problem.

As REGNUM reported earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the extension of the grain deal . He noted the support of Russia on this issue, as well as the contribution of Ukraine. The previous agreement expired May 18.

The grain deal was concluded in July 2022. It consists of two agreements, one of which regulates the export of Ukrainian grain, the second - the access of Russian agricultural products and fertilizers to world markets. The agreements are valid for 120 days, but their validity was extended twice - for 120 and for 60 days.

At the same time, Moscow repeatedly pointed out non-compliance with the Russian part of the deal. So, as before, Rosselkhozbank was not returned access to the SWIFT system, the operation of the Togliatti-Odessa ammonia pipeline was not resumed, and a number of other conditions were not met. In addition, almost all Ukrainian grain was supplied to European countries, and not to Africa and the Middle East, where it was needed.

Posted by: badanov 2023-05-18