
Will the spies and malefactors in our government ever come clean on their roles in the Russia collusion coup? Is there one good man among them?
[Heartlander] In the haunting Oscar-winning film The Lives of Others, an East German Stasi agent spies on innocent artists to tragic effect — but ends up changed, regretful and more fully human.

Watching it again this past week made me wonder: Is it remotely possible that America’s domestic spies and malefactors — who conspired to subvert and perhaps destroy our republic the past seven years — might also someday feel guilt and shame enough to come clean?

The Durham report on the FBI’s Russia collusion coup lays bare the fact that federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies under Barack Obama cynically conspired to gin up an investigation of candidate-turned-President Donald Trump. While cozying up to the Hillary Clinton campaign, the agency ignored intelligence of "a trusted foreign source pointing to a Clinton campaign plan to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin so as to divert attention from her own concerns relating to her use of a private email server."

The world-class conspiracy, involving an unknown number of unindicted co-conspirators, led to trumped-up charges against former Trump National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (who is now suing the government for $50 million for wrongful prosecution); illegal surveillance of a Trump supporter, aided by the phony Steele dossier and by repeated bald-faced government lies to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court; and a two-year, multimillion-dollar Potemkin "probe" by special prosecutor Robert Mueller that hamstrung and further divided America.

All this, despite the fact that Christopher Steele’s own researcher had told the FBI in May 2017 there was absolutely nothing to the dossier. Yet the political operatives atop the agency plowed on in their scheme to destroy Trump and install their preferred political regime.

Does that even sound like America?
Posted by: Besoeker 2023-05-18