
Hajji London mayor Sadiq Khan blames 'you know who' for his PTSD
[Hot Air] Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, suffers from PTSD but not really. Whatever it is he suffers from, though he calls it PTSD, was brought on by Donald Trump and the death threats he would receive after a mean tweet against him was posted by Trump. Because, of course it’s Trump’s fault. Never mind Khan received threats before Trump was president. He’s pointing a finger at Trump. And, you know which finger it is.

The far-left progressive considers his mental anguish to be PTSD but he doesn’t want to sound like a total jerk and have others make comparisons to real PTSD, like that which is suffered by members of the military and first responders. He’s a bureaucrat, the mayor of one of the world’s largest cities, and things like personal threats come with the territory in today’s world. The interesting thing is that he’s talking about the mental and emotional difficulty he is having as he serves in his capacity as mayor, yet he is running for re-election. Not only is the Labour mayor for London since 2016 seeking a third term next year, he hopes to serve six, count ’em, six terms. He wants the job but he just wants to whine about it when it gets difficult, apparently.
Posted by: Besoeker 2023-05-21