
Nebraska senator flips out debating ban on sex change surgeries for minors, screams 'we need trans people'
More on this story from yesterday — stupidity on the floor of the legislature as well as the visitors gallery, but the good guys won in the end. This is no longer a portent, but an accelerating trend.
[FoxNews] 'Transgender people belong here, we need trans people, we love trans people,' state Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh shouted.

A Friday morning session in the unicameral Nebraska legislature devolved into chaos after one Democratic lawmaker began shouting her support for transgender people amid a debate on a bill to ban sex change procedures for minors in the state.

The bill, which was ultimately approved by lawmakers and sent to Republican Gov. Jim Pillen's desk to become law, bans sex change procedures for minors, as well as abortion after 12 weeks of pregnancy.

In voicing her disapproval to the measure Friday morning, state Democrat Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh slapped the lectern and repeatedly shouted: "Transgender people belong here, we need trans people, we love trans people."

"You matter. You matter and I am fighting for you. I will not stop," exclaimed Cavanaugh, who displays she/her pronouns in her Twitter bio. "I will not stop today, I will not stop tomorrow. You are loved. You matter. You belong here."

Republican lawmakers wrangled just enough votes to end a filibuster and pass a bill with both measures. Gov. Pillen, who pushed for the bill and met with various lawmakers to shore up support, has promised to sign it into law.
And that’s the bottom line. Go Nebraska!
The 12-week abortion ban in the measure has exceptions for rape and incest. The bill wouldn’t allow transgender people under 19 years old to undergo gender surgery, with a few exceptions.

The state’s chief medical officer — a political appointee who is currently an ear, nose and throat doctor — would set rules for puberty blockers and hormone therapies for transgender minors in the state. There will be some exceptions for minors who were already receiving treatment before the ban was enacted.

Several Republicans voiced approval for the measure during the debate, including state Sen. Steve Erdman, who drew inconsistences in the arguments made by Democrats.

"Saying abortion is healthcare is like saying being raped is lovemaking," Erdman said at one point.

Friday's debate was briefly stopped when protesters in a chamber balcony stood and yelled obscenities at conservative lawmakers while throwing what appeared to be bloody tampons onto the floor. As lawmakers began voting, chants of "Shame! Shame! Shame! Shame!" could be heard coming from outside the chamber.

At least six people were arrested at the Nebraska state capitol building after lawmakers passed the bill.

Posted by: Skidmark 2023-05-21