
Historical parallel
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Commentary by Russian blogger Donetsk

[DonRF] The Ukrainian phenomenon in psychology, when the population was led to the slaughter with the most minimal resistance, will be studied for a long time to come. Although there is really nothing strange about it.

Messianism is the basis of the Russian people, even if part of it declares itself not only as Ukrainians, but even as pigs, but there was a historical analogy. And just a hundred years ago. More precisely 106 years ago. And with exactly the same prerequisites - an understanding of the road to nowhere and wounded national pride, the same process, in the form of slaughtering their own population for the sake of abstraction, but here is the result ...

When I talk about the USSR, I clearly divide it into periods. There was the revolutionary romanticism of the early Bolsheviks, then there was the Stalinist counter-revolution, caused by the fact that the recipes of Marx in their pure form did not work.

There were attempts to return to romanticism under Khrushchev and Gorbachev. The first almost ruined the country, the second - killed. Because all these theories, if you use them not as a guide for movement, but as instructions, do not work from the word at all. And the crowd infected with this same messianism and romanticism will shed rivers of blood and destroy everything to the ground, with no option for recovery.

So, let's be honest - there are revolutionary romantics. Early ones, like Trotsky or Makhno. With rural flavor, and with a minimum of knowledge, but infected the crowd with an idea. The idea is bad and primitive - to destroy everything to the ground, and then ...

But how is the war on monuments different from the war on the monuments of that newspeak of revolutionaries from moronic Ukrainization, and the Civil War, when people are burned like in a furnace for the sake of abstraction, from the current war, when people are burned like in a furnace for the sake of...?

Even the holidays were canceled then, now the dates are changing, even the repressions against the Church were repeated, even the revolutionary wars and those ... They need to blow up Russia in order to carry their ideas further, otherwise everything will simply stall and choke.

Ideas are really different. Although outwardly similar. Then it was a world revolution, when the German proletariat, the most advanced in the world, will come and fix everything.

Now it is the EU and NATO, which will also come and fix everything. This is where the similarity ends. Among the Bolsheviks there were a lot of pragmatists who wanted to build a state, and who eventually broke through to the top, where they cut off all delusional romanticism, returning much of the rational to their places, and, instead of a permanent revolution, having carried out the necessary reforms, now people without theory are sitting in Kiev, who exploit their romantics as a means of profit. And they don't think about real reforms there.

From our side ... Let's be honest, if we build the empire of Nicholas 2.0, then in the end we will get a female Romanov. The idea is not just not there, it is to some extent there, first of all, the fear of a horde of psychos with weapons, on the part of those who want to drag the message of the post-union into guiding, but otherwise everything is sad.

In contrast to the year 1917, the West is not busy, and is actively playing against us. And we have our own atmosphere inside. With information wars of clans. Well, pragmatists are not visible there, they have been exhausted, that's why they will go to the end.

Either they will set fire to the Russian Federation and Belarus, or we will crush them. And the third one is not given. And it will not be given. We do not have the opportunity to wait for the third generation there, which will deny the nonsense about "orcs from the swamps" and Maidan tea, in the sense of momentum. The choice are them or us..

And worst of all, they are not Bolsheviks. Those had a theory. Lenin was a world-recognized scientist, for example.
Scientist is not the word I would have chosen...
They had educated people from the bottom who wanted to correct injustice without taking everything out, and then there were those who had a resource.

Now in Kyiv there are either swindlers or semi-literate rural guys who are for everything good, but against everything bad, and who know how to throw the crowd to slaughter for the sake of their fantasies. And behind them is the power of the entire NATO. Wake up, not a situation where half measures will help. We again have a Civil War, only the Entente is on the side of not even the Reds, Greens and Petliurists.
Petliurists is a reference to Ukrainian politician Symon Petliura, who became a commander in the Ukrainian People's Army, 1917-1922.
Posted by: badanov 2023-05-21