
Bill Barr Is His Own Worst Enemy
[American Thinker] Uniparty propagandist and Deep State shill Bill Barr is waddling from one television studio to the next to tell audiences that the feds will almost certainly indict Donald Trump by late summer for mishandling classified documents. The Cheka FBI has been outed as a criminal enterprise engaged in subverting elections and spying on the American people, but sure, let's get all worked up about whether the president of the United States — in whom the Constitution's Article II executive powers are vested — has somehow inexplicably infringed his own declassification authority. Although Augustus Gloop Barr can barely conceal his joy, this tiring new chapter in the never-ending "get Trump" saga comes off as yet another manifestation of Bizarro World, in which a group of criminals running the American government get to pretend that nobody is "above the law."

Walrus Barr enjoys playing the "scolding father" who "knows best" in a worn-out daddy routine alongside scripted corporate news hosts performing for the cameras. Although he remains a consummate Deep State stooge who will do anything to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the Oval Office, he also spends a great deal of TV time burnishing his "I'm the only adult in the room" bona fides. He has called out New York State's vindictive lawsuits against President Trump as a "political hit job" and "gross overreach." He has excoriated Democrat district attorney of New York Alvin Bragg's Trump indictment as an "abomination" that "makes us look like a banana republic." He acknowledges that the Durham probe proves that "Russiagate" has not only been a "grave injustice" to Trump, but has also "vindicated" the president's accurate denunciation of the Clinton-Obama Russia Hoax conspiracy as a "witch hunt" from the very beginning. Barr readily admits, in other words, that state and federal prosecutors have shamelessly pursued Trump for recklessly and maliciously partisan reasons that have threatened both the rule of law and the peaceful transfer of power in the United States.

After broadly recognizing the seriousness of the Deep State's crimes and the depth of its depravity, though, loyal palace guard Barr then sweeps these horrific State crimes to the side, shakes his head in disgust, and instead blames his former boss for being "his own worst enemy." Right. How dare the guy who has been doggedly persecuted for seven years fight back against Intelligence Community villainy? How dare the same guy who has been framed by agents of the Stasi FBI and DOJ now distrust those corrupted agencies? How dare Donald Trump call out the new batch of criminal investigations as part and parcel of the longstanding political "witch hunt" against him when Barr begrudgingly concedes that the "witch hunt" is real?
Posted by: Besoeker 2023-05-22