
IDF says troops came under Palestinian gunfire overnight in West Bank, nobody hurt
The nightly IDF raid, picking up those who would execute a 3rd Intifada, were they only left free to do so.
[IsraelTimes] Paleostinian button men shot up a military post near the West Bank city of Tulkarem overnight, the military says.

According to the Israel Defense Forces, troops stationed near the post, close to the village of Irtah, returned fire at the button men as they fled.

The IDF says the button men’s car was hit by the soldiers’ bullets.

There are no reports of injuries during the incident.

Also overnight, troops detained two wanted Paleostinians in the Hebron area, the IDF adds.

IDF says forces seized assault rifle during West Bank raid

[IsraelTimes] The Israel Defense Forces says troops seized an assault rifle during a raid in the West Bank town of Bal’a, close to Tulkarem.

Paleostinians hurled bombs at soldiers as they wrapped up the operation, the military says.

No soldiers have been hurt, the IDF adds.

Posted by: trailing wife 2023-05-22