
Lukashenko claims Russia launching nuke transfer to Belarus
[Ukrinform] The Russian Federation has already started moving nuclear munitions to the Belarus territory.

This was stated by Aleksander Lukashenko, BELTA reports.

"He (Russian President Vladimir Putin - ed.) informed me that today he had signed a decree on our actions on the deployment of nuclear weapons in Belarus. It was about a specific document. A decision was made to develop what was voiced earlier. We had to prepare storage sites etc. We did it, so the transfer of nuclear munitions has already started," Lukashenko said.
Despite the headline, this is part of an agreement signed with Russia to host nuclear weapons on Belorussian soil.

From the V Kontakte page of the Russian ministry of defense:
The activity of NATO's joint nuclear missions is forcing Russia and Belarus to take appropriate retaliatory measures, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said.

◽"In the context of an extremely sharp escalation of threats and the activity of joint nuclear missions, NATO is forced to take retaliatory measures in the military-nuclear sphere. In accordance with the decision of our supreme commanders, work has been organized to deploy non-strategic nuclear weapons of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Republic of Belarus," Sergei Shoigu said at talks with Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin in Minsk.

◽He recalled that the Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system, capable of using missiles not only in conventional, but also nuclear weapons, was handed over to the Belarusian side.

❕"Some of the Belarusian aircraft have been converted for the possible use of nuclear weapons. The servicemen have undergone appropriate training," Sergei Shoigu said.

More from newsfront.info
In Belarus began the movement of nuclear weapons

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that within the framework of the agreement on the "Union State," the transfer of nuclear weapons from the Russian Federation to Minsk began. About it informs RIA News.

Nuclear munitions have been moved from Moscow to Minsk within the framework of the “Union State” agreement, Alexander Lukashenko said. According to him, first it was necessary to prepare special places for storing these shells.

"It was necessary to prepare there (in Belarus. - ed.) and places of storage, and so on. We've all done it. Therefore, the movement of nuclear weapons began," Lukashenka said.

Recall that earlier Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow and Minsk concluded agreement on the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of Belarus. Russian leader clarified that the location of the tactical arsenal will occur without violating the START treaty.

Posted by: Enver Slager8035 2023-05-26