
More on the RFNS 'Ivan Khurs'
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Text from the V Konmtakte page of Armed Forces of Novorossiya (VSN)

⚡The attack on the Russian reconnaissance ship Ivan Khurs was controlled using Starlink modules mounted in drones, received by Kiev from the United States,

RIA Novosti reported, citing an informed source. Other statements:

▪The drones were launched from a naval operations center opened with US assistance in Ochakiv in 2018;

▪A batch of new Western-made drones has been handed over to Kyiv for naval attacks and provocations in the Black Sea. The most likely supplier is Britain, as the appearance of Ukrainian Mykola-class naval drones does not match the profile of those that attacked the Russian ship;

▪Sabotage against the Russian Navy in the exclusive maritime economic zone of Turkey continues the course of the Anglo-Saxons to escalate and expand the geography of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

⚓Recall that yesterday the reconnaissance ship of the Black Sea Fleet "Ivan Khurs" completed a planned transition from the area of ​​​​mission of tasks to the point of permanent deployment of Sevastopol.

Despite the rumors about the damage to the ship, which are spread by Ukrainian resources, the ship is intact and entered the bay on its own.

On Thursday, three Ukrainian drone boats in Turkey's exclusive economic zone tried to attack the ship, but they were all destroyed.

◽At the base point, the ship will replenish material reserves, after which it will continue to perform tasks as intended.

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APU tried to use fog to mask the attack on the ship "Ivan Khurs"

Sevastopol , May 27, 2023, 14:06 - IA Regnum. The Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to take advantage of poor visibility conditions due to fog during the drone attack on the Ivan Khurs reconnaissance ship, but the crew detected and destroyed the drones in time, the crew members said in a comment to the press service of the Ministry of Defense.

The first drone did not even try to hide its actions, as the pilots believed that the fog was hiding these actions, the crew members noted. Two other drones "began to zigzag" when the operators realized that the drones had been spotted.

“We noticed him (the first drone. - Approx. ed.) coming out of the fog. After the first explosion, the fog seemed to evaporate. We ourselves did not expect such an effect. We had fog somewhere around 200 meters, it moved away, visibility became up to 800 meters. It immediately became light around, we saw the second BEC (unmanned boat. - Approx. ed.) " , - said Sergeant Maxim Panezhin in a video published by the press service of the Ministry.

Earlier, on May 27, the Ministry of Defense reported that the military personnel of the crew of the Ivan Khurs ship, who repulsed the attack of unmanned surface vehicles in the Bosphorus region, were presented for combat state awards.

As previously reported, the crew of the Ivan Khurs ship, which was on patrol to ensure the security of the Turkish Stream and Blue Stream gas pipelines, successfully repelled an attack by UAF drones in Turkey's exclusive economic zone.

According to RIA Novosti sources, the boats that attacked the Russian ship were launched from the naval operations center in Ochakovo, which was opened with the participation of the United States. Military expert, reserve officer Alexander Mikhailovsky, in a commentary for IA Regnum , noted that Ivan Khurs was attacked according to the method of Osama bin Laden.

Posted by: badanov 2023-05-28