
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: May 31st, 2023
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] 22:36 The Pentagon clarified that the new aid package to Ukraine will include:

  • additional ammunition for the Patriot air defense system;

  • missiles AIM-7 for air defense;

  • SAM Avenger;

  • anti-aircraft systems Stinger;

  • additional ammunition for HIMARS;

  • 155 mm and 105 mm artillery shells;

  • 105 mm tank ammunition;

  • precision-guided aviation munitions;

  • Zuni aircraft missiles;

  • ammunition for drones;

  • anti-tank systems AT-4;

  • more than 30 million cartridges for small arms;

  • demining equipment and systems;

  • explosive munitions to overcome obstacles;

  • night-vision devices;

  • spare parts, generators and other field equipment.

21:54 Washington is confident that Ukraine will not use F-16s to strike Russian territory, said John Kirby, coordinator for strategic communications at the National Security Council at the White House. He also added that the United States wants to avoid a third world war, so they oppose Ukraine's strikes on the territory of the Russian Federation.

21:08 The United States announced the provision of a new $300 million military aid package to Ukraine. White House National Security Council Speaker John Kirby said that it will include, in particular, ammunition for Patriot air defense systems and HIMARS MLRS, Avenger air defense systems and Stinger MANPADS.

20:57 Zaluzhny said that he had a telephone conversation with the head of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley: "We paid attention to the issue of supplying weapons, military equipment and ammunition. Among the priority needs are long-range shells." Zaluzhny also informed Milli about the massive enemy attacks and stressed the importance of strengthening Ukraine's air defense through additional systems and F-16 fighters.

20:49 Macron said that Putin should not be arrested, because peace negotiations will still have to be conducted with him: "If in a few months we have a window for negotiations, the question will be between the court and negotiations, and you will have to negotiate with the leaders, which you have de facto, I think negotiations will be a priority."

20:27 The Russians fired at Dneprovskoye in the Belozersky community of the Kherson region, one person died, said the head of the OVA, Alexander Prokudin.

19:48 The UN has offered Kiev, Moscow and Ankara to start preparatory work for the transit of Russian ammonia through Ukraine, trying to save the grain deal, Reuters writes, citing a source. The UN wants to expand the grain initiative to include more Ukrainian ports and other cargoes.

19:42 In Russia, they are changing the names and dates of birth of illegally deported Ukrainian children, Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk said: "In Russia, in all regions they are hidden, they change their identity, they change their names, surnames, dates of birth, they do everything to assimilate, but in fact - commit an act of genocide against our children, forcibly Russify, give so-called passports, do everything so that children forget their native land, forget their language, forget culture and accept, as they say, a new reality.

19:34 Norway has approved a five-year program of military assistance to Ukraine for a total of 7 billion euros, the country's Foreign Ministry said.

19:13 Zelensky announced that he had held an off-site meeting of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief in Odessa. At the meeting, the commander of the Ground Forces, Alexander Syrsky, said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to stabilize the situation in Khortitsa.

18:56 The "authorities" of the occupied Kherson region said they sent 375 children to the Western Caucasus for "recovery". The first deputy head of the Kherson Regional Council, Yuri Sobolevsky, warned parents who agree to such proposals that after such a "recovery" it would be very difficult to return their children home.

18:40 There are about 500 residents left in Bakhmut, Mayor Alexei Reva said. Before the start of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, 70 thousand people lived there. The city has confirmed the death of 204 people, of which four are children, but the real numbers are higher.

18:36 Zelensky said that today he paid a working visit to the Odessa region, held a meeting with the military command and heads of law enforcement agencies in the region, introduced the new head of the regional state administration Oleg Kiper.

18:15 Macron said that the West should provide Ukraine with "tangible and reliable guarantees of security." He noted that this issue will be the subject of collective discussions in the coming weeks. According to the French president, Ukraine is now protecting Europe and is "so well armed" that the West is interested in "having reliable security guarantees on a multilateral basis."

17:44 The Russians fired on Volchansk, Kharkiv region: as a result of shells hitting private houses, one person was killed, another was injured, Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA, said.

17:19 Polish President Andrzej Duda warned against hasty statements about Russia's defeat in the war against Ukraine. According to him, Putin will lose the war when the Russian army is forced out of the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine. Now, hundreds of people are dying at the front every day, while Russians - more than 100 million, and Ukrainians - less than 40 million, the Polish leader recalled.

“This difference alone shows who has the advantage here. For Russians, human life means nothing, for Ukrainians every life is worth its weight in gold. These are different cultures. Russia is a nuclear superpower, it has gigantic stocks of weapons. we laugh that she has been exporting tanks since the 1960s, when each tank weighs 50-60 tons. If it drives, it will crush, regardless of whether it is modern or not," Duda stressed.

16:38 The Moscow Times writes that at the time of the drone attack in the Moscow region, Putin was allegedly in his residence Novo-Ogaryovo and almost got hit. According to the publication, because of the air raid, Putin's security service woke him up earlier than expected. The drones were shot down when they were about 6-10 km away from the residence of the Russian president.

16:30 "Court of the DPR" sentenced to life imprisonment a captured Ukrainian soldier from the Azov regiment Maxim Kondrashev. He was found "guilty" of shelling a bus in Mariupol, killing four people.

16:04 The strikes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on objects in Russia with Ukrainian-made weapons are legitimate from the point of view of international law, said the representative of the German Cabinet of Ministers, Steffen Hebeshtreit. At the same time, he added that Berlin supplies its weapons to Kyiv solely to protect Ukrainian territory.

15:18 The Ministry of Digital Development, together with Nokia, is launching a pilot project, thanks to which communications and the Internet in front-line cities will become resistant to shelling. As part of the project, it is planned to upgrade telecom equipment and switch to non-volatile Internet networks, as well as to lay a cable underground.

The first test settlement will be Posad-Pokrovskoe, Kherson region. After the implementation of the pilot project, the initiative will be scaled up to other areas affected by Russian shelling.

15:06 Berlin announced the closure of four of the five Russian consulates in the country. Germany will also close its consulates in Kaliningrad, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg.

14:29 European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that proposals for the start of peace negotiations should take into account the need for the complete withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine, otherwise the conflict will be frozen.

“Now there is a lot of talk about peace plans and a ceasefire. First of all, there should be a principle in this: nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine ... A ceasefire will be inherently unstable and could destabilize the region along the line of conflict. No one will invest or rebuild, and the conflict could flare up again at any moment. No, a just peace should be the result of the withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine," she stressed and called on "everyone who can" to provide Ukraine with long-range artillery and weapons.

13:47 The Russians fired artillery at the Wide Beam of the Kherson region: the shell hit a residential building, a three-year-old child was wounded, said the head of the OVA, Alexander Prokudin.

13:25 In Kursk and Rostov-on-Don, Russians are building large-scale complexes for sorting, analyzing and storing the corpses of servicemen who died in Ukraine. According to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, the area of ​​​​each facility is more than 4,000 square meters. m, the cost of construction - from 600 to 800 million rubles. At the same time, the cost of refrigeration equipment is estimated at more than 1 billion rubles for each complex.

The complexes will have points for carrying out investigative actions and research on bodies, refrigerators with refrigerators for 1000 places, warehouses with coffins and funeral decorations.

12:49 The Atesh partisan movement reports that the Russians have begun to mine the Crimean plant Titan, located near Armyansk. This is done in order to stop the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and accuse Ukraine of "environmental terrorism".

12:24 A bipartisan agreement to prevent US debt default will not limit the ability of the Biden administration to provide assistance to Ukraine, a White House official said in a Bloomberg commentary.

12:15 The peace formula summit, which Ukraine is preparing together with its allies, may take place before the July NATO summit in Vilnius, The Wall Street Journal writes, citing sources close to the Ukrainian president and European diplomats. According to the publication, the meeting has already been supported by some European leaders, in particular Macron, who wants the summit to be attended by representatives of those countries that sided with the Russian Federation or took a neutral position. At the same time, Russia itself will not be at the summit.

European officials said they were working with Ukraine on a peace formula to make it more acceptable to states such as India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and China.

11:51 "Court of the DPR" sentenced two Azov residents Alexander Pedak and Yevgeny Vysotsky to 25 years in prison for allegedly killing two residents of Mariupol.

11:33 Russians blew up a road in the Chernihiv region at the junction of the borders of Ukraine, Belarus and the Russian Federation, the State Border Service reported.

11:14 Russia has imposed a ban on the export of cartridges for civilian and service rifles, as well as cartridge cases for rifled firearms from the country, the government said. It is assumed that the ban will be valid until the end of the year, the decision is aimed at "ensuring the protection of the interests of the state."

11:12 Zelensky and Putin plan to visit Turkey one by one after Erdogan's inauguration on June 3-4, Hürriyet writes, citing sources. During the visits, the parties will discuss the war and the grain corridor.

11:08 The Metropolitan Police have identified nine more people who posted on the social network a video of the air defense operation during the Russian attacks. Seven women and two men aged 23 to 49 were handed over to the SBU.

10:37 In the Kuban, a drone fell on the territory of the Ilsky Oil Refinery, the regional operational headquarters reported. According to them, the infrastructure of the plant was not damaged, there was no fire, and there were no casualties.

Russian media also write, citing emergency services, that about ten drones tried to attack the Klimovsky district in the Bryansk region in a day. Some of the drones were allegedly shot down, and some were intercepted by electronic warfare equipment.

10:12 Ukraine will receive from Sweden one of the most modern infantry fighting vehicles - CV-90. Such machines are in service with a number of NATO member states. Ukrainian crews are already completing their training, the Defense Ministry said.

09:40 British intelligence states that Russia is increasingly losing the initiative in the war. It did not achieve significant success in neutralizing the Ukrainian air defense and destroying the counterattack forces. In addition, she redeployed her forces to respond to attacks in western Russia. Thus, for the most part, the Russian Federation reacts to the actions of Kyiv instead of actively moving towards its own military goals, analysts say.

09:23 In the Donetsk region over the past day, as a result of Russian shelling, one person died (in Chasovoy Yar), six were injured. Five people were injured in the Kherson region, one in the Kharkiv region, according to the IVA.

09:17 The Russians attacked a transport company in the Pavlograd district of the Dnipropetrovsk region in the morning. An eight-year-old child was injured, there is damage, said the head of the OVA, Sergei Lysak.

08:54 The General Staff announced the approximate losses of the Russian Federation as of the morning of May 31.

  • personnel - about 207,910 (+470) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 3802 (+0),

  • armored combat vehicles - 7472 (+3),

  • artillery systems - 3460 (+15),

  • MLRS - 575 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 333 (+1),

  • aircraft - 313 (+0),

  • helicopters - 298 (+0),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 3124 (+32),

  • cruise missiles - 1107 (+0),

  • ships/boats - 18 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 6230 (+11),

  • special equipment - 454 (+0).

08:38 The "LPR" announced a Ukrainian strike from HIMARS allegedly on a poultry farm in the village of the Carpathians, five people were killed, 19 were injured.

08:20 The Russian army continues to focus its main efforts on attempts to completely occupy the Luhansk and Donetsk regions. Over the past day, units of the Defense Forces repelled 22 enemy attacks, the General Staff said in the morning report .

According to the General Staff, in Crimea, in Yalta, Russian "authorities" are taking away real estate from Ukrainian citizens who did not take Russian citizenship during the period of occupation of the peninsula. Russian servicemen are settled in such houses. Meanwhile, in Stanytsia Luhanska, employees of one of the budgetary institutions were warned that in June only those who re-registered in a Russian bank would be able to receive a salary.

05:27 Comparison of the drone attack on Moscow with the constant shelling of Ukraine by Russian troops is incorrect, said the spokesman for the UN Secretary General Stephane Dujarric. According to him, the UN condemns any attacks on civilian targets, "but you can't compare the attack of drones on Moscow with those attacks on Ukraine that occur all the time."

04:46 In the Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation, a large-scale fire broke out at the Afipsky Oil Refinery, Russian telegram channels report. According to preliminary data, one of the installations for the distillation of fuel oil began to burn after the arrival of an allegedly Ukrainian drone.

04:25 Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Serhiy Kislitsa at a meeting of the Security Council said that the principles of ensuring nuclear safety at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant should provide for its complete demilitarization and de-occupation. The diplomat noted that Ukraine takes into account the five principles of ZNPP nuclear safety, formulated by IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi, "however, these principles should be supplemented by the requirement for complete demilitarization and de-occupation of the plant."

02:49 US Senator Lindsey Graham, who visited Kiev, told Politico that Zelensky briefed him on Ukraine's counteroffensive and provided a "detailed analysis" of the military plans. The senator said that "in the coming days you will see a rather impressive show of force on the part of the Ukrainians."

According to Graham, the initial priority should be "the return of some strategic places." He noted that "formation operations" are already underway - strikes that stretch the Russian defense and confuse the enemy's plans, "which means that the counter-offensive itself is likely to begin relatively soon."

00:59 Legion of Freedom of Russia is recruiting thousands of Russians to attack Moscow, writes The Times. Legion commander Caesar said the fighters had thousands of applicants waiting to join their ranks and would continue to raid the frontier until their forces were large enough to storm Moscow. The raid on Russian territory last week was the first armed "invasion" of Russia since border clashes between Soviet and Chinese troops in 1969, the newspaper notes.

Posted by: badanov 2023-06-01