
Senator Tom Cotton, Mike Pompeo Respond to FrontPageMag Expose of Anti-Israel Activist on Holocaust Museum Board
by Daniel Greenfield

Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas responded to Front Page Magazine’s story exposing the fact that President Biden had nominated Kimberly Marteau Emerson to the Holocaust Memorial Council.

The Holocaust Memorial Council acts as the board of trustees for the Holocaust Museum. Emerson, apart from being the wife of John Emerson. a Democrat operative and financial bigwig, picked by Obama to be his ambassador to Germany, is a board member of Human Rights Watch.

Human Rights Watch has repeatedly and falsely accused Israel of “apartheid”. Its personnel have advocated for terrorists and for the murder of Jews, and even spread traditional blood libels.

Senator Cotton responded to the FrontPageMag expose by tweeting that, “No one leading a group that wants to destroy the one Jewish state should be on the board of the Holocaust Museum. Another terrible pick from President Biden.”

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also denounced the move, tweeting, “completely inappropriate.”

Ever since Front Page Magazine’s story original story came out, a variety of public figures have rallied to oppose Kimberly Marteau Emerson’s nomination including journalist Caroline Glick and pro-Israel activists.

Front Page Magazine will continue exposing and fighting the Biden administration’s campaign of hate and radical appointees waging war on the Jewish State.

Posted by: badanov 2023-06-02