
Putin's ‘secret mum' dies at 97 after decades being snubbed by estranged despot ‘who she gave birth to following affair'
[Sun UK] A WOMAN who claimed for decades to be Vladmir Putin's real mum has died in poverty aged 97, it was revealed today.

Vera Putina swore Russian tyrant Putin was born to her from an affair with a married man - a version of history that has been totally shunned by Mad Vlad.

But she went on to produce pictures of her son as a boy bearing an uncanny resemblance to the hollow-eyed monster now reaping carnage in Ukraine.

Vera, from the dirt-poor village of Metekhi in the former Soviet state of Georgia, claimed the Russian president is the unhappy little boy she gave away at the age of 10.

Her intriguing account also details his traumatic childhood - which may go some way to explain the brutal psyche of the Kremlin kingpin.

An exclusive Sun interview given before her death also lays bare her heartbreak that the man she was so proud of was too cold to acknowledge the hidden truth.

And she went to her grave this week having had no contact for 60 years with the man she claimed to love.

Her account is at odds with Vlad's official story - which states his parents were Vladimir Putin Snr. and Maria Shelomova.

And her account has never been categorically proven.

Sources in Georgia confirmed yesterday that Vera died of "old age" in the capital Tbilisi and was buried in her native Metekhi on Tuesday.

The tiny retired engineer claimed little Vlad - who she nicknamed Vova - spent his early childhood in the village from when he was two-and-a-half.

And she told how her son’s early years were scarred by terror, abuse and neglect at the hands of his stepfather Georgi after she married.

At the age of 10 she told how her sad-eyed son was sent back to his grandparents in Ochyor, Russia, and never came back..

Records unearthed in the archives of Metekhi's closest town, Caspi, show a Vladimir Putin was registered at Metekhi school from 1959 to 1960 and was born Georgian, not Russian.

Vera’s account is at odds with the official version of 70-year-old Putin’s childhood, which says he was born in 1952 in Leningrad - now St Petersburg - and was the third son of a Russian couple.

His brother Albert, born in the 1930s, died in infancy and his other sibling Viktor, born in 1940, died of starvation in 1942 during the Siege of Leningrad, according to Putin’s official account.

But suspicious holes in the timings given have added weight to Vera’s claims that their leader is two years older, illegitimate and not Russian - which have always been vehemently denied by the Kremlin.

Vera told The Sun in one of her last interviews: "My dream is not to die without Vova seeing me and talking to me at least once.

"I often see him in my dreams, but he doesn’t want to talk to me. Both in life and in dreams, he is upset about what I did, he cannot forgive me".

Telling of how her son’s childhood trauma forced on him by his stepfather, Vera said: "He didn't beat Vova, but he didn't hide his dislike towards him.

"He’d often threaten that he’d kick "the bastard" out of his house.

"The day would go by without him saying a word to the child. Vova was suffering, and hated him, but he was also afraid of the man and didn’t dare to raise his voice.

"He’d often kick Vova out of house during winter, barefoot, and then it was up to kind neighbours to shelter him.

"When my husband, his step-father, was dying, he had visions that Vova was back.

"His last words were: "Ask that little Russian boy standing in the corner to come over and sit and eat with us".

"He couldn’t stand seeing Vova at the table, so he’d often eat alone."

Vera told how her cowed son became cold-hearted and introverted as his childhood torment continued and began taking his pain out on animals in the rural village.

She said: "Vova was a quiet boy, a thoughtful little kid. I still keep the sling he made to shoot at neighbours’ chickens.

"They weren’t too thrilled about that though and often complained.

"Despite being quiet, he was very competitive and short-tempered, he couldn’t stand anyone from his peers being better than him at anything — be it fishing, or wrestling.

"He always had to beat others and wouldn’t rest till he’d have done just that — gone one better than somebody else did.

"But despite that, he hated bullying and never had any serious fights with his classmates, always tried to be a good friend."

Vera told how her boy’s tough time in her care ended after she fled his drunken stepfather to her parents in Russia.
Posted by: Enver Slager8035 2023-06-05