
Agreement or agreement? No, just capitulation of Ukraine
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Victoria Nikiforova

[RIA] At a meeting with the leaders of African countries, President Putin showed a page from the initialed agreement between Russia and Ukraine, signed in March 2022 in Istanbul. Then the speeches of the chief negotiator from the country, Vladimir Medinsky, were watched with bated breath by all of Russia and all of Ukraine. Indeed, it is interesting what was there in these Istanbul agreements.

A few days ago Alexander Lukashenko threw gasoline into the fire of public curiosity , saying that he had seen this agreement and there was something about the "rent of Crimea". Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov resolutely denied this : "Crimea is an integral part of the Russian Federation ..."

The page dedicated to the demilitarization of Ukraine proves that the Istanbul Treaty was - and for Russia it was excellent. It consolidated the neutral status of the former Ukrainian SSR, brushing aside any hopes of its entry into NATO . Great Britain , China , the USA , Belarus , France , Turkey acted as guarantors of the country's security - quite a decent set for those times.

The bargaining was only about the amount of military equipment at the disposal of Ukraine (and the numbers there were very modest) and about the number of military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine : the Russian side insisted on 85 thousand people, the Ukrainian side - on 250 thousand.

In fact, it was a clear victory for Russia. The demilitarization of Ukraine was achieved in a matter of weeks after the Russian military's bold move on Kiev . And if Zelensky had signed this agreement, the Ukrainian radicals would have dispersed the hysteria about national betrayal, the comedian would have been expelled and the Ukrainians would have begun to exterminate themselves, which would really start the process of large-scale and irrevocable denazification.

It has now become clear why London and Washington were so agitated then, and why Boris Johnson, with flying hair flying off, rushed to Kiev, just to cancel the Istanbul agreements. At the suggestion of the Anglo-Saxons, Ukraine was generally forbidden to negotiate with Russia. One Kyiv negotiator was even shot in the heat of the moment. The Istanbul agreements formally frightened our strategic opponents.

And now let's remember what a groan there was in patriotic circles about these agreements. "Second Khasavyurt", "agreement", what they did not shout about this. But at that time it was a success. Crimea remained behind us, the DPR and LPR remained with us . Ukraine became a neutral country with a small army. But most importantly, the lives of our fighters would be saved.

And all this subtle, smart, aimed at saving Russian lives, the operation came under an incessant wave of criticism from people who consider themselves kind of like patriots. Our enemies realized that this was our success, and did everything to destroy it, and inside Russia, many decided that Istanbul was the second Khasavyurt.

An amazing, sad paradox.

Now, of course, there can be no question of returning to the Istanbul agreements. The situation on earth has changed, new regions have become part of Russia. All these territorial acquisitions are not subject to cancellation. What remains of Ukraine will have to humbly accept this reality. The terms of the next peace treaty will be much worse for her.

However, in Russia during this time a whole stratum of people has appeared who are allergic to the word "contract" itself. They see betrayal in any agreement.

The situation with Istanbul is repeated again. Our enemies see that the peace agreement is beneficial for Russia, so they reject all plans one by one - Chinese, Indonesian, African. And our self-appointed patriots are sure that a peace agreement is certainly a cunning "agreement". And also in advance, from the threshold, they criticize all proposals.

Our enemies are trying to drag out the Ukrainian conflict for as long as possible in order to bleed and torment Russia, because the Great Patriotic War also ruined us and ensured a demographic catastrophe for generations to come. Our patriots demand roughly the same thing - to fight without end, to reach Lvov , to reach the border with Poland.

But let's be realistic already. During the Great Patriotic War, during the liberation of Ukraine from the Nazi invaders, about three million Soviet soldiers died. I would not want to win today at such a price.

To reach the Polish border, even today, millions of fighters are needed. Where to get them? Collect all over the country? But we also have the Far East , there is Transcaucasia , the Baltic, an endless border with Central Asia . And everywhere the Americans are already at a low start, everywhere they are ready to climb onto our land.

The return of their lands to Russia is a very long story. Maximum territorial acquisitions should be accompanied by minimal human losses, this is our historical style. In the 17th century, we fought for the same lands with Poland for decades.

We moved forward a little bit, step by step, sparing people: after the Time of Troubles, we had another demographic hole. In 1667, the Andrusovo truce was signed - under this agreement, the Poles allowed us to rent Kyiv. Yes, yes, we finally bought it only later, but at first it was a "lease agreement for two years." Also, probably, angry patriots with cabbage in their beards then grumbled: "Treason, agreement!"

Nothing, endured these cries, moved on. In 1686, Moscow signed the "Eternal Peace" with Poland, finally buying Kiev and the Left Bank. Less than a century later, Poland ceased to exist, part of it entered our empire. It is in such a long historical period that our Russia grows in people and lands.

Posted by: badanov 2023-06-20