
Hitler's provocation in Katyn
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Text taken from the V Kontakte page of News of Krasnodar today, incidents of emergency accidents. Original story appeared in RIA Novosti.

Commentary by Russian military journalist Bris Rozhin is in italics

[ColonelCassad] Nazi Germany was preparing provocations, and not only in Katyn, to accuse the USSR of mass atrocities , new archival documents about this are published by RIA Novosti. These materials are placed in the State Archive of the Recent Socio-Political History of the Smolensk Region, and the agency got acquainted with them.

We are talking about photocopies of interrogations of captured Germans - Kurt Groner and Fritz Yurashek, who were among the direct perpetrators of provocations in the Katyn Forest and near Vinnitsa in Krajina. The interrogations were carried out after the Great Patriotic War by Soviet state security agencies.

Groner was an employee of the criminal police of the Third Reich, the criminal secretary of the homicide department. Yurashek was a photographer who worked in the structure of the criminal police.

According to their testimonies, in Vinnitsa, thousands of graves of Soviet citizens shot by the Nazis during the occupation of the city were presented by the Nazis as supposedly victims of Soviet executions in 1938.
Photographs of the remains taken from the graves in Vinnitsa were selected so that they would become "a visual aid for anti-Soviet propaganda."
Moreover, the Nazis published a book "On the mass executions in Vinnitsa."

As follows from the interrogation texts, the Nazis used the same methods in the Katyn forest in the spring of 1943 to accuse the USSR of allegedly mass executions of Polish officers.

On April 13, 1943, the German Propaganda Ministry, led by Goebbels, reported that a mass grave of Polish officers allegedly shot by the NKVD had been found in the Katyn forest in the Smolensk region. After the liberation of Smolensk by the Red Army, a Soviet commission was created, which, after conducting its own investigation, concluded that the Poles in Katyn in the autumn of 1941 were killed by the German occupying troops.

Warsaw believes that the murder of Polish officers was the work of the NKVD of the USSR, Polish officials called that execution a genocide. In the USSR, a criminal case on the discovery of mass graves of the remains of Polish servicemen was opened in 1990, and in 2004 the Main Military Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation closed the case due to the death of the perpetrators.

According to the point of view of a number of Russian historians, the executions in Katyn were carried out by the Nazis, and the "Katyn case" was a provocation by the secret services of the Third Reich, who wanted to split the ranks of the anti-Hitler coalition, and to Poland, through which the Red Army was supposed to reach the border of Germany, to present this as Moscow atrocities. Experts draw attention to the fact that the "Katyn case" was launched almost immediately after the USSR refused to return the lands of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus to Poland, which legally returned to the Soviet Union in November 1939.

As experts emphasize, the Soviet leadership had no motive to shoot Polish officers, because they did not pose any danger to Moscow. Moreover, in the tense situation of the late 1930s, the extrajudicial execution of Polish prisoners of war would have been a factor that contributed to further tension in the USSR’s relations with England and France, and in the future, the use of this factor as a pretext for their attack on the Soviet Union, experts say. .

Historians also point to inconsistencies in the evidence base on which Warsaw relies.As Russian experts explain, the versions of the "Katyn tragedy" are contradictory, since the bulk of the sources on those events are still classified and not put into free scientific circulation. The Russian Federation also notes that the current approach to covering the "Katyn case" does not meet the principles of objectivity and historicism, and it should be considered as one of the directions of the information and propaganda campaign to lay responsibility on the USSR for unleashing World War II.

Polish officers in Katyn in 1941 were massively shot by the Nazis, and not by employees of the NKVD of the USSR- this was testified back in 1945 at the Leningrad trial of Nazi criminals by a direct participant in the burial of the murdered Poles, later a fighter of the "special purpose" battalion, which rampaged in the Leningrad region during the Great Patriotic War, Arnaud Duret.

Experts point to the similarity of the approaches used by the Nazis in Katyn with the actions of the Kyiv regime, which organized a provocation in Bucha in the spring of 2022.

In April last year, the Russian Defense Ministry stated that all photographs and video materials published by the Kyiv regime, allegedly testifying to the "crimes" of the Russian military in the city of Bucha, Kiev region, are "another provocation." As noted in the military department, during the time this settlement was under the control of the Russian armed forces, not a single local resident suffered from any violent actions.

https://vk.com/wall-89453312_123929 - zinc

In 2023. Can't be. After all, no one guessed that this was a provocation of the Nazis, which we supported at the highest level from Gorbachev to Putin. It took the SVO in Ukraine to start revising this crap.I wonder how many more years it will take to officially recognize the guilt of Nazi Germany for the destruction of the Poles in Katyn.

Since the zero years I have been writing and will continue to write - the Poles in Katyn were shot by the Nazis. The shooting took place in the autumn of 1941. This fact is confirmed by the only court decision on Katyn. Numerous falsifications of the Katyn case carried out in the 80-90s were also established.

Laying responsibility for Nazi crimes on the USSR and Stalin in our country was part of a long campaign of demonization of the USSR, Stalin and the Soviet past. What this led to is perfectly visible and understandable now.

Posted by: badanov 2023-06-24