
Hekmatyar Calls For Jihad
In a tape recording addressed to the Afghan people, former Afghan prime minister and Islamic Party leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar called on the Pashtun tribes in southeastern Afghanistan to revolt against U.S. troops in the country, and denied any links with Taliban or Al-Qaeda, stressing that: “Our only aim is for foreign troops to quit Afghanistan and for the Afghan people to decide their own future.” Hekmatyar’s call comes just a few days after IslamOnline published a statement it received via e-mail from an Afghan group calling itself "The Secret Army of Doom" ‘The Muslim Mujahedin’s Secret Army’, in which it claimed responsibility for recent attacks against U.S. troops in Afghanistan, and vowed to continue its attacks in retaliation for the U.S. brutal murder of innocent Afghan civilians.
No surprise there. Hekmatyar's made his move. Now's the time to start hunting him down in earnest — and not to have a talk with him.
In the tape recording, made available to the media Tuesday evening, Hekmatyar said: “We announce our full solidarity with the people of the southeastern provinces; we condemn U.S. atrocities against our people; and we call on all Afghans to stand up against Americans like they did with the Russians,” stressing that Afghanistan’s problems could only be solved by popular resistance to the American presence.
"And not by doing dumb stuff like working and raising families..."
The exiled Islamic Party leader explained that Americans are fighting Pashtuns in the provinces of Paktia, Paktika, Khost, Nangarhar, Konar, Kandahar, Helmond, Rozgan “because they realize Pashtuns hold on to their faith, defend religious sanctities and national interests and reject foreign oppression. It is no coincidence,” he continued, “that 85% of U.S. military operations have been in Pashtun areas, where U.S. troops shelled villages, pounded mosques, searched homes for weapons and ammunition, erected checkpoints in public roads, and detained Pashtun leaders and chiefs in its Bagram base or in Guantanamo.”
Hmmm... He's right. It is no coincidence. That's where they keep the most ignorant and xenophobic parts of the population.
Urging Pashtuns to carry on with Jihad, Hekmatyar said: “You set an example with your Jihad against the Russians; do the same with the Americans,” reminding them that the attacks on U.S. troops in Khost and the massive anti-U.S. demonstrations are evidence the people of Paktia are bent on starting Jihad in Afghanistan.
Actually, it's evidence that those are the areas where Hekmatyar's, the Talibs' and al-Qaeda's partisans are to be found.
“If the U.S administration insists there is no Taliban or Al-Qaeda presence in Afghanistan, why then is it adamant on accusing the Islamic Party of links with Taliban?” he asked, himself giving the answer: “The U.S. simply seeks to justify its ways with the Islamic Party in a bid to eliminate it just as it did Taliban. If the Americans were able to topple the Taliban regime, they will never be able to occupy Afghanistan forever.”
Didn't intend to. Probably about the time Hekmatyar's dead and buried and has a big rock on his grave to keep him there, we can leave...
“You can see for your eyes how resistance to the U.S. presence is spreading out. The Russians failed to fight Mujahedin with 120,000 Russian soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Afghan militias. How can a mere 15,000 Americans, with the help of a small shunned group of collaborators, stand against popular resistance?” he told the Afghans.
By killing Hekmatyar? Actually, let us not forget, the Russians did a very credible job of grinding the Pashtun face into the dirt, until the Merkins started handing out Stingers.
Analysts told IslamOnline that Hekmatyar has imitated late Imam Khomeini in his use of a tape recording to mobilize the Afghan people who are largely illiterate, stressing that the means is quite effective and easily widespread in Afghanistan where there are no papers. Finding a connection between Hekmatyar’s address and the statement of ‘The Muslim Mujahedin’s Secret Army’, an expert in Afghan affairs said: “It is very likely Hekmatyar’s Islamic Party is linked to the Secret army.”
No! You don't say? How could that be? We are so-o-o-o-o surprised!

Actually, Hekmatyar presents a simpler problem than the Talibs and al-Qaeda. Even though the Taliban were a Pashtun phenomenon, they claimed to represent all the Muslims in the country, which with the exception of maybe eleven people, was all of them. Al-Qaeda was international — they didn't look at your ethnicity, only at your religion and whether you were willing to kiss Binny's... uh... ring. Hekmatyar represents only the Pashtuns; Uzbeks, Tadjiks, Hazaras, Turkmen, what-have-you need not apply. Nor is he rousing The Masses in the name of some greater principle. Despite the butter he's smearing on the Pashtuns, his agenda isn't so much the advancement of Islam as the advancement of one G. Hekmatyar.

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-09-05