
Closing commentary on a busy day
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Commentary by Russian military correspondent Rybar is in italics. Commentary by Russian military blogger Andrey Chervonets

TG Rybar: one of Prigozhin's demands was the resignation of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov.

Considering that, according to the source, the rebellion was stopped on favorable terms for the head of the PMC, there is reason to believe that in the end, the leadership of the Russian Defense Ministry will be removed.

Personally, I don't think it will be fast, the Kremlin needs to save face. But Sergei Kuzhugetovich and Valery Vasilievich really should have retired.

This opinion of mine was not formed today, but more than a year ago.

It is obvious that if the system is not capable of recognizing shortcomings and errors, then it, accordingly, is not capable of correcting them.

And a lot of things need to be fixed. With the current composition of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, this, let's choose the soft version of the assessment, for some reason does not work.

A little later, in communication with the military commanders, this opinion of mine only became stronger.

Who can be instead? Choose from three surnames at once. Evkurov, Dyumin and Surovikin. Although no, we cross out the last one, the position of Chief of the General Staff is better suited for him.

More from Russian military blogger Andrey Chervonets
Briefly to the point

It's time to take stock

Voenkor Yuri Kotenok literally laid out the events of the last day on his knee:

1. Of course, this is not a show
Aviation downed. Pilots have died. We have "a lot" of aircraft in the country with helicopters.

The armed military unit almost reached the capital within 8 hours. The question arises - where is the Minister of Defense?

Previously, we were shown how a colonel general commanded a rifle platoon with shouts of “Forward, for the Motherland!”. And you can find out what now prevented such a picture from being taken? Where is the head of the NGSH with operational departments? Where is the appeal to the military?

The President spoke and clearly stated that this was a military mutiny.

And where is the leadership of the Defense Ministry during the approach of an armed unit to Moscow?

The patrols approached Kashira. Or are the functions of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Guard to stop military units near the capital? But they have light weapons. The maximum that they can protect themselves in their buildings. To them just claims in this case at least.

Question to the leadership of the Moscow Region: not only did they allow all this, because if they had behaved normally, perhaps this simply would not have happened, so where were you on the day it happened? Or is it possible to shoot videos only when there is no threat to show the show to the President? Come to your senses, this is not a show. The country has been at war for a year now.

2. The history of the events of 1991-1993 was repeated.
Then, in the offices of high-ranking officials who must make decisions, the phones fell silent.

But nothing that even the operational headquarters for suppressing the rebellion was not created?

No one knows what the auctions were. Boiled inside, agreed on something.

Thanks to Lukashenka and whoever it is. The person who saved the country from the shame of capturing the capital, God forbid, will be credited once again.

3. They walked for 8 hours at the average speed of an ordinary bus.
The question of the loyalty of the elites to the current state power.

Is it true that road equipment and road works should stop the military unit advancing on Moscow?

"Wagner" shot down the planes that attacked him. But we have already agreed with him, now there are at least questions for him.

The question is for us - why give an order to aviation to storm a civilian road? Can't you make folds?

From Moscow to Rostov there was not a single tank to put on the road? Or organize a normal checkpoint and start talking?

Do not shoot, but enter into negotiations to stop the column. Once again - where is the military leadership? This is its direct function.

There are a lot of claims against Wagner: armed, he went to Moscow. You can't do that when the country is at war.

But besides him, there are a couple of especially talented figures. The team to raise helicopters and planes and hit a mixed column, in which, incl. civilians go about their business - this is "brilliant".

4. By the way, what will we do if tomorrow the enemy goes like this?
He will enter the forest in the Sumy region, leave as a unit in the Kaluga region and go to Moscow.

Will it be the same? How do headless chickens run around the chicken coop and try to escape from the capital as far away as possible?

Scary scenarios. I don't even want to imagine.

5. What level has the most respected and authoritative department, the Ministry of Defense, been brought to?
Under martial law, it is not the head of the FSB that becomes senior, but the senior military commander.

WHO was introduced, but where is the work of the WHO headquarters? Who prepared the defense of Moscow? Government of Moscow and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Construction by conscripts from 12 sandbags of an AGS firing point? This is ridiculous - the tank will not even be distracted, it will move and move on.

Posted by: badanov 2023-06-26