
How they stopped the movement of the column of PMC 'Wagner' to Moscow -- UPDATED
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Commentary by Russian military journalist Boris Rozhin

[ColonelCassad] 1. Prigozhin, after negotiations with Lukashenko, agreed to withdraw his main demands and began to negotiate a way out of the current situation.

2. Lukashenko gave personal guarantees to Prigozhin that if he stops the columns, they will not be fired upon.

3. According to Lukashenko, there were up to 10,000 armed security officials on the defense of Moscow.

4. The columns were stopped after, at the request of Lukashenko, Prigozhin spoke with FSB director (Aleksandr) Bortnikov.

In general, the scheme for stopping the crisis is as follows.
By agreement with Putin, Lukashenka acted as the main mediator.
Through Yevkurov, he was able to contact Prigozhin and establish a stable communication channel.

During the negotiations, Lukashenko persuaded Prigozhin to drop his demands.

After Lukashenko gave personal security guarantees to Prigozhin, he agreed to stop the columns.

Lukashenko was able to organize a telephone conversation between Bortnikov and Prigozhin, where, apparently, the guarantees were confirmed.

After that, Prigozhin stopped the movement of columns to Moscow and the crisis moved into the stage of eliminating the consequences.

In the bottom line, during the crisis, Putin acted as an evil cop, and Lukashenko as a good cop.

Prigogine understood everything, and by the evening of June 24 he realized that his rebellion would not receive political support, so he withdrew his demands, for the sake of which the whole campaign against Rostov and Moscow was actually started.

In the presentation of Lukashenko, the people who stopped the fratricide near Moscow are Putin, Lukashenko, Yevkurov, Bortnikov.

More from Rozhin:
How Lukashenko convinced Prigozhin
Commentary by Russian military journalist Boris Rozhin is in italics.
Lukashenko's story about the course of negotiations with Putin and Prigozhin on June 24. The conversation with Putin took place in the morning, when, according to Lukashenko, the decision was made to kill Prigozhin and Wagner.

I ask Putin: "Where is he?"

"In Rostov".

I say: "Good. A bad peace is better than any war. Take your time. I'll try to contact him."

He once again says: "It's useless."

I say, "Okay, wait." Somewhere we talked, probably for half an hour.

Then he informed me that he was at the front. I remember his words: "You know, but at the front, oddly enough, it's better than it ever was."

I say: "You see, not everything is so sad."

At 11 o'clock... I should have found these phones...

I say: "How can I contact him? Give me the phone."

He says: "Most likely, the FSB has a telephone."

We have clarified. Installed by the middle of the day as many as three channels:
"At 11.00, he (Prigozhin) immediately picked up the phone.

That is, Yevkurov called him, gave him the phone: "Here, the President of Belarus is calling, will you talk ?"

Euphoria. Eugene has complete euphoria.

The first round of 30 minutes was spoken exclusively in swear language.

There were 10 times more swear words (I later analyzed) than normal vocabulary. He, of course, apologized and began to tell me in swear words."

"The guys are only from the front. They saw thousands of their dead guys. The guys are very offended, especially the commanders. And, as I understand it, they greatly influenced (I calculated this beforehand) on Prigozhin himself.

Yes, he is such, you know, a heroic guy, but he was pressured and influenced by those who led the assault squads and saw these deaths. And in this situation, having jumped out of there to Rostov, in such a half-mad state, I am having this dialogue with him."

I say: "Zhenya, no one will give you Shoigu or Gerasimov, especially in this situation. You know Putin no less than I. Secondly, he will not only meet with you - he will not talk on the phone due to this situation."


"But we want justice! They want to strangle us! We will go to Moscow!"

I say: “Halfway you will be crushed like a bedbug. Despite the fact that the troops (Putin told me about this for a long time) are distracted on the corresponding front.”

Think about it, I say. "No" is such a euphoria."

“For a long time I convinced him. And in the end I said: “You know, you can do whatever you want. But don't be offended by me. The brigade is prepared for transfer to Moscow. And, as in 1941, you read books, an educated, intelligent person, we will defend Moscow. Because this situation is not only in Russia.

This is not only because this is our Fatherland. And because, God forbid, this turmoil would go all over Russia, and the prerequisites for this were colossal, we were next. People tried to pour mud on you and FSB director Bortnikov

PS Lukashenko also said that the fighters of PMC "Wagner" would advise the Belarusian military.

"If their commanders come to us and help us ... Experience. Listen, they are on the front line - assault squads. They will tell us what is important now. They went through it. They will tell you about weapons: which worked well, which did not. Both tactics and weapons, and how to attack, how to defend. This is priceless. This is what we need to take from the Wagnerites

"He also added that they keep their ears sharp in Belarus and there is nothing to be afraid of them.

Lukashenko also spoke about those who demand reprisals against Wagner.

Lukashenko on the demands to "plant" and "wet"

In Russia, as always, it always happens, jingoistic patriots appeared, I saw this trend, who began to howl and shout, condemn Putin, demand that he not stop criminal cases, catch, wet, plant.

This is what I would like to warn both us and Russian society against. And in this regard, when unfolding, as President Putin called it, this turmoil in Russia, somehow everyone was sitting under a broom.

Matvienko turned out to be courageous, Volodin, the Patriarch, a couple of people - that's all. And after a fight, we can wave our hands, oh, how we can, and advise: "Wet, wet and wet." Listen, well, there is someone to wet, especially you know where. There is someone to plant where it is needed.(c)
Valentina Matviyenko is a Russian senator from St. Petersburg
PS3. Zolotov also said today that Moscow would not have been handed over to Prigozhin, but there would have been a lot of blood.
Viktor Zolotov is Director of the National Guard of Russia.

Yet, more from Rozhin:
In 2022-2023, the authorities spent 86 billion rubles on Wagner PMC

1. The maintenance of the Wagner group was fully provided by the state, from May 2022 to May 2023, 86 billion rubles were spent on the maintenance of Wagner. In a year through Voentorg "Concord" earned 80 billion rubles.

2. I hope that no one stole anything or stole less, but we will deal with this all.

In general, what I wrote about for several years was confirmed - the word "Private" in PMC "Wagner" is very conditional. It was armed and financed by the PMC by the state for use as a tool for implementing policies by other means. Until recently, the tool worked effectively.

But due to named and unnamed problems with the use of this tool, they almost caused serious injury to the state. Therefore, the audit and restructuring process has been launched. According to unofficial reports, Prigozhin will lose most of his business in Russia.

PS. Also announced some progress in the Russian Defense Ministry.

“From those who participate in the NMD and showed themselves in combat work there, the backbone of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense PS2 should be formed . The Russian Guard will again have tanks and heavy artillery.

More from Kavkaz Uzel
Lukashenko spoke about the role of Yevkurov in negotiations with Prigozhin

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko explained the success of negotiations with the founder of PMC Wagner Yevgeny Prigozhin by the fact that the fighters of PMC Wagner did not allow casualties in Rostov-on-Don and by the mediation of the former head of Ingushetia, Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, who was in headquarters of the Southern Military District together with Prigogine. Lukashenko said that the founder of PMC "Wagner" arrived in Belarus.

The "Caucasian Knot" wrote that on the evening of June 23, the founder of the PMC "Wagner" Yevgeny Prigozhin accused the Ministry of Defense of shelling the rear positions of the PMC and promised to "sort it out". Later, in the center of Rostov-on-Don near the command building of the Southern Military District, armored personnel carriers and vehicles of the Russian Guard appeared, Prigozhin himself, accompanied by armed fighters, entered the territory of the General Staff of the Southern Military District on the morning of June 24, where he voiced threats and ultimatums from the Deputy Minister of Defense to the former head of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Evkurov and Deputy Chief of the General Staff Vladimir Alekseev. In the evening of the same day, Prigozhin announced that he was stopping his campaign, it became known.

During the armed rebellion of Prigozhin,  an explosion occurred near the headquarters of the Southern Military District in Rostov-on-Don, eyewitnesses reported that Wagner fighters installed  barriers from anti-tank mines in the city center, and the building of the Rostov Rostelecom was also fired upon.

Information about the events in the south of Russia related to Prigozhin's rebellion has been collected by the "Caucasian Knot" on the page "Prigozhin's rebellion." The "Caucasian Knot" has also prepared a report " Putin and Kadyrov's reaction to Prigozhin's rebellion."

Lukashenko said that he himself offered to negotiate with Yevgeny Prigozhin during a conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to him, Putin assured that the founder of PMC "Wagner" does not answer calls, the Belarusian state agency "Belta" reported today.

Lukashenko said that Yevkurov invited Prigozhin to the phone. “Yevkurov called him, gave him the phone: “Here, the President of Belarus is calling, will you talk?” - “I will be with Alexander Grigoryevich.” I hear their conversation. 30 in obscene language," Lukashenko's words are quoted in the publication of the Belta agency. 

Lukashenko noted that during the first round of negotiations it was very important to get confirmation that as a result of the arrival of Wagner PMC in Rostov-on-Don, no one was injured in the city, according to him, Prigozhin swore to this. "And it turned out to be true. It was very important. Note, it was very important that they, having entered Rostov, did not touch anyone," the head of Belarus stressed.

Lukashenko said that there were four rounds of negotiations in total. He noted the role of Yevkurov in their organization. "In this regard, I must especially thank General Yunus-Bek Yevkurov. I must say that this general played a very important role. <...> A very brave man. He was seriously injured when he worked as a leader in Ingushetia. Very seriously. I remember Putin told me, he was barely pulled out of the grave. He is a military man, responsible, and he did a lot in the framework of these negotiations," Lukashenko said.

Yunus-Bek Yevkurov  served as the head of Ingushetia in 2008-2019, and since July 8, 2019, he has been one of the deputy defense ministers, the "Caucasian Knot" biographical note says.

Lukashenko also said that Prigozhin is in Belarus. "Security guarantees, as he (the President of Russia, - note of the "Caucasian Knot") promised, were provided. <...> Yes, indeed, he is in Belarus today. As I promised, if you want some time with us to turn around and so on, we will help you," Lukashenko is quoted in today's publication of the agency.

More from Rusonline


In Belarus, they began to build camps to accommodate fighters of the PMC "Wagner" - this is reported by "Nimage".

The publication confirmed the construction of a camp in Osipovichi, Mogilev region for 8,000 fighters. According to them, there will be several camps.

We are working, we are already working today. Tomorrow, before lunch, the task is [to build],” said the source of the “Layout”. He added that the area of ​​the camp will be 24,000 square meters, it will be designed for 8,000 beds. Another source of Nyorstka, close to the leadership of the Mogilev region, also confirmed that the authorities were instructed to build a camp for PMCs in the region.

By the way, Prigozhin was spotted at the Green City Hotel in Minsk. He drinks milk and looks thoughtfully out the window. The Wagner field camp near the Belarusian Osipovichi will not be the only one in Belarus. This is the most phenomenal strengthening of the union state in history.

Nuclear weapons and Wagner - Power.
Stoltenberg said that NAT is closely monitoring the development of the situation around the PMC "Wagner" and information about its alleged "potential redeployment to Belarus" and "are ready to respond quickly" It is reported that units of the Wagner PMC, along with regular weapons and military equipment, entered the territory of Belarus. The first columns of the Wagner Group have reached and are parked in Belarus. Posted military protection. Tomorrow normal work will start. Meeting with commanders early in the morning.

Posted by: badanov 2023-06-28