
US recruits Kurdish militants to replenish the Ukrainian army
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Kirill Semenov

[REGNUM] The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is recruiting Syrian Kurds for the Ukrainian army. It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to sources. It became known that the American intelligence service is already negotiating with representatives of the Kurdish detachments in order to send those who want to fight in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is noted that the monthly salary offered to the militants is $2,000.

The Kurdish left-wing groups, patronized by the United States, are an excellent recruiting contingent for the Pentagon and the CIA to redirect individual detachments of these militants to Ukraine. Now they control the regions of the north-east of Syria and have a network of their military bases there. Groupings also operate in Iraq, Turkey and Iran, where they are waging an armed struggle against local governments.

In Ukraine, citizens of various states who were previously members of Kurdish left-wing radical formations in Iraq and Syria have already been noted for their participation in hostilities. Therefore, the appearance of the Kurdish militants themselves in the NVO zone would not come as a big surprise.

There are among them, for example, a certain Maser Gifford , a Briton who at one time joined the Kurdish YPG formations in Syria, and then, after the start of the NWO, arrived as a "volunteer" in Ukraine. Then he noted: “They [Ukrainians] very much remind me of the spirit of thousands of young men and women who joined the Kurdish forces.”

Also on the list is Ryan O'Leary, an Iowa National Guard veteran who spent four years with Kurdish forces in Iraq. He also noted the similarity of the mentality of the Kurds and Ukrainians. This could contribute to greater involvement of Kurdish formations in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. “They are really similar. Both the Ukrainian armed forces and the Kurds have the same mentality,” he said in an interview with Middle East Eye.

The feminist views of the Kurdish left-wing groups attracted at one time the Brazilian model, and part-time sniper Talita do Valle. She joined them, participating in battles with ISIS in Iraq, and after the start of the SVO, she also hurried to defend “left-liberal values” in Ukraine, where she was killed a year ago.

Finally, the British citizen known to us Aiden Eslin , who was also a member of the Kurdish formations in Syria, also ended up in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, was taken prisoner by Russian troops in Mariupol, and then was exchanged for Russian military personnel.

The American edition of The Washington Post, with links to leaked secret documents, reported on direct links between the Ukrainian military leadership and Kurdish left-wing radical formations in Syria. In particular, it was about the fact that the military intelligence service of Ukraine has developed plans for conducting covert attacks on Russian forces in Syria, using Kurdish forces that support the United States.

The article also mentions that Ukrainian officers considered the possibility of training militants in the so-called. Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) (the armed forces of the "autonomous government" of northeastern Syria, controlled by Kurdish left-wing radicals from the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)) attacking Russian targets.

Mikhail Podolyak, an adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine, then actually admitted that such an operation was indeed planned. According to him, "war involves many different measures." He stated that since Russia is the main enemy, Ukraine has to fight on different fronts.

“It was very important to divert their (RF - ed.) attention. Various operations are being developed at different levels, because this is a specific, major adversary - the Russian Federation. We need to reduce their resource capabilities,” Podolyak said then. He added that dozens of such operations can be developed, but only priority ones will be implemented.

It is significant that Kyiv planned to use radical jihadist groups from Syrian Idlib for these purposes, with which Ukraine also began to establish cooperation against the backdrop of confrontation with Russia. But this became known to Turkey, which acts as the guarantor of the Idlib de-escalation zone. Ankara then demanded that Kyiv stop such contacts with local groups, including the terrorist alliance Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) (an organization whose activities are banned in the Russian Federation).

Nevertheless, separate groups of Chechen and Albanian jihadists from Idlib were able to reach Ukraine and join the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

By the way, there is nothing surprising in the fact that yesterday's irreconcilable enemies - jihadist radicals from Idlib and Kurdish leftist radicals from the Syrian northeast - are turning into "partners", becoming part of a global anti-Russian network led by the West. It was possible for the United States to begin reconciling these irreconcilable branches of radicalism against their common enemies, Russia and Turkey.

In particular, in Idlib, there has been an increase in tension between the HTS terrorist alliance and Turkey. The latter did not react to the recent activity of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Idlib, when strikes were carried out on HTS bases in this Syrian region, which can be considered as recognition of these actions as justified.

The reason for this position could also be the intensification of contacts between the HTS and the SDF coalition, which is supported by the United States. In turn, through these contacts, communication is also being established between the HTS terrorists and the US military.

In recent months, HTS leaders have visited the SDF headquarters in Hasek, where they also apparently met with the Americans, and SDF representatives have visited the HTS headquarters in Idlib. In this regard, arrests of persons associated with the HTS took place in Turkey itself.

At the same time, Ukraine’s ties with the Kurdish left-wing radicals were being built even before the start of the NVO, and Kyiv was a longtime supplier of weapons for these formations.

So, back in May 2017, a meeting was held between PKK field commanders in Kyiv and an agreement was reached on the purchase and transfer of weapons and ammunition to this Kurdish group. The range of weapons included Igla MANPADS, sniper rifles, night vision goggles, thermal imagers and frequency suppressors.

Initially, the activities of Kurdish parties and groups affiliated with the PKK, including its Syrian affiliates such as the SDF/YPG, were considered terrorist activities. However, in many countries of the European Union and the United States, PKK leaders have found a way to turn from a criminal into a victim in the eyes of the West. To do this, they had to transform their own ideology, somewhat moving away from the original Marxist principles.

The new ideology of the PKK was formulated after the arrest of its leader Abdullah Ocalan in 1999 under the influence of the work of the American social philosopher Murray Bookchin, whose works Ocalan got acquainted with while in prison. The basis of the new ideology of the PKK, formulated by Öcalan on the platform of Bookchin's ideas, was "democratic confederalism."

At the center of the provisions of this doctrine was a "civil society" very close to the representatives of the Western world, which was supposed to replace the state. Ocalan abandoned the idea of ​​creating an isolated Kurdish state, which was supposed to contribute to a radical revision of the relationship of the Kurds with other Middle Eastern peoples. Instead, they were supposed to create, together with the Kurds, a single "civil society", supposedly not burdened by state institutions.

The second pillar of the doctrine was absolute gender equality and outright feminism, which was also met with applause in the West. In particular, the "Kurds" created separate women's military units that have their own hierarchy and are a separate "women's army". And any leadership position should be occupied by co-chairs - a man and a woman.

Thus, Jamil Bayek, who is a member of the PKK Politburo and head of the "Confederation of Kurdish Communities" (Koma Civaken Kurdistan - KCD), shares his powers with Hyulya Oran (also known as Bese Hozat ), who represents the "female half" of the organization.

It is significant that the first attempt to put this concept into practice was carried out in Syria as part of the creation of the Kurdish “Democratic Federation of Rojava - Northern Syria” and its military wing SDF during the Syrian conflict.

However, many Arab tribes, as well as conservative representatives of the Kurds and Syrian Turkomans, opposed this project and the radical secularist and feminist ideas spread within its framework.

The Syrian affiliates of the PKK, represented by the SDF, are trying to draw as many local residents as possible into their radical leftist project. To do this, they take control of youth and children from conservative Muslim families, introducing programs alien to Muslim Syrians in schools with frank calls for atheism. It even comes to the kidnapping of children in order for them to be trained and appropriately ideologically pumped in closed military camps.

A new UN report on children in armed conflict, released Tuesday, says the use of child soldiers in Syria is on the rise, even as fighting dies down in most parts of the country. This growth is primarily due to the efforts of American allies from the SDF, which account for the largest number of cases of recruiting Syrian children into their ranks.

The Americans do not in any way prevent the recruitment, including girls, into the ranks of these militants. As noted above, there are special women's groups in the SDF, which represent a separate armed structure, known by the abbreviation YPJ, for service in which, among other things, girls from conservative families are kidnapped. Thus, the fact of abductions of 13-year-old Syrian woman Peyal Akil, who was abducted by recruiters from the SDF on her way home from school, was recently made public and ended up in a military camp for children.

In the West, they turn a blind eye to such violence, considering the presence of women's formations in the ranks of the SDF as a manifestation of the "highest forms" of gender equality and feminism. On the contrary, thanks to the support of the United States and France, the quasi-state formation led by the SDF not only managed to survive, but also took control of significant territories, which became the center of attraction for left-wing radical militants from all over the world.

It is noteworthy that among these formations, united under the auspices of the International Revolutionary People's Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF), there were also groups of LGBT militants. The IRPGF acknowledged the existence of these units, noting that they did not even need approval from the SDF command to create them.

Now, after returning home, many of the IRPGF militants decided to try their luck again in Ukraine, and the Kurds themselves followed them there.

Posted by: badanov 2023-07-03