
Russia has 'lost nearly half' of its combat effectiveness since invading Ukraine, UK defense official says
[Insider] A top British defense official says Russia's combat abilities have been slashed in half since last year's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, the formal head of the UK's armed forces who is the chief military advisor to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, told a parliamentary hearing that Russia was now "so weak" that it could no longer wage a military counteroffensive of its own.

"Russia has lost nearly half the combat effectiveness of its army," Radakin said, according to the Financial Times. "Last year, it fired 10 million artillery shells, but at best, can produce 1 million shells a year. It has lost 2,500 tanks and, at best, can produce 200 tanks a year."

He then defended Ukraine's counteroffensive, which has been criticized for not making enough progress.

Radakin said Kyiv's strategy to "starve, stretch, and strike" was gradually eroding Russia's defenses. However, he did acknowledge that Russian mines, Ukraine's insufficient air defenses, and the lack of equipment Ukraine requested had weighed on operations.

From regnum.ru

Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Ministry of Defense called the words of the British admiral about the loss of Russian equipment a lie

[Regnum] British Admiral Tony Radakin's claims that the Russian army has lost half of its combat capability are discouraging by the universal scale of lies, the press service of the Russian Defense Ministry said on July 5 in its Telegram channel.

“In the absence of any results of the Ukrainian army on the battlefield, and now even their prospects are becoming clearer, one can only fantasize about the “loss of combat capability” of the Russian army,” the message says .

The Russian military department also added that the British defense headquarters had long since retrained from a strategic analysis and planning body to a BBC affiliate.

Earlier, Admiral Tony Radakin, in an interview with the Financial Times, said that Russia was so exhausted by the Ukrainian offensive that it was unable to take active steps. The admiral claims that during the special operation, the Russian army has already used up 10 million shells, despite the fact that its capacity allows only a million shells to be fired a year.

As reported by IA Regnum , CNN reported that the West began to get nervous because the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is measured not in kilometers, but in meters, this could shake the support of Ukraine's allies in the prolongation of the conflict.

On July 3, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the Ukrainian authorities, at the insistence of the West, demand that the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue the offensive, regardless of significant losses. The Russian Defense Ministry reported unsuccessful attempts to attack the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

More from regnum.ru
Medvedev: NMD will end in a few days if NATO stops supplying weapons to Ukraine

[Regnum] The Special Military Operation (SVO) would end in a few days if the United States and its vassals stopped supplying weapons to Ukraine, Dmitry Medvedev , deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council (SB), said onJuly 5 in a video posted on his Telegram channel.

According to him, if NATO stopped supplying weapons to Ukraine, then the special operation would be completed in a few months, and if this is done now, then the SVO will end in a few days.

Medvedev also believes that any war can be ended quickly: either with a peace treaty or like the United States in 1945. The Deputy Chairman of the Security Council recalled that at that time the United States used its nuclear weapons and bombed two cities in Japan - Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but the cost of this step was the lives of almost 300 thousand civilians.

As IA Regnum reported , the Kiev authorities do not stop asking and demanding from the West more and more military and financial assistance.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said in an interview with the Financial Times that Ukraine is an ideal testing ground for Western weapons. He added that Kyiv's Western allies can actually see if their weapons work, how well they work, and if they need to be upgraded.

Posted by: Enver Slager8035 2023-07-06